Modul 2 Concervation in context Unit 2 Tell me about yourself Listening In a plane Visitor could you help me with this form. Please ? My english is not so good. Stewardess certainly, Now, what’s your name? Visitor Abbassi. Stewardees is that your last name? Visitor Yes. Stewardees And what’s your firs name, Mr abbassi. Visitor Abdelaziz. Stewardees how do you speel it, please? Visitor A-B-D-E-L-A-Z-I-Z. Stewardees sorry? Visitor A-B-D-E-L-A-Z-I-Z. Ways to say it Asking people’s names 1. A What’s your name, please? B Bodman. 2. A Could you tell me your name, please? May I know your name, please? B Bodman 3. A Is that your last name? B That’s right. 4. A What’s your first name? B Mildred. 5. A Hiw do you spell your last name? B B-O-D-M-A-N. Asking for clarification A sorry? Could you repeat it, please? Say it again, please? B B-O-D-M-A-N Concervation in context Listening In the same plane Stewardees And where do you come from Mr abbassi? Visitor From Morocco. Stewardees And your address there? Where do you live in morocco? Visitor 25 independence Avenue, fes. Stewrdees I see, And one more question, please. Your accupation. What do you do? Visitor I’m businessman. Ways to say it Nationality accupation address 1. A Where do you come from?
The soviet union Thailand The united states Russian Thai American Concervation in context Listening Talking about families Jane How many brothers, and sister do you have? Sylvia Well, I come from a large family? I’ve got three sister and two brothers. How about you? Jane My family is quite small, I’ve just got one sister. Ways to say it Asking about ane family 1. A Do you come from a large family? B Yes, I do,/ No, I don’t. Yes, my family is quite small. My family is quite small. 2. A How many brother and sister do you have? B There are six of us altogether. I’ve got two sister and two brother. 3. A How many children do you have? B I’ve got three children- two boys and gril. 4. A How old are they? B Tony is fourten, bill id thirteen, and penny is six. 5. A What does your father do? Husband wife B He’s an accountant. She’s a housewife. Pair up and practise Speaking Find out about your patner’s family. Ask question about the following: For a single person Fine out if your partner comes from a large family Fine out how many brothers and sisters he/she has Fine out their ages Fine out about the mother’s and father’s occupation For a married person Find out wherther he/she has any shildren Find out how old they are Find out about the husband’s or wife’s occupation Reading
3. Only people who are defferent and very unusual can be astronauts. 3 Match these words as they are passage with their meanings. 1. Professional a. Having reached an aim 2. Sussessful b. Sure, certain 3. Attractive c. Working in an occupation that requires higher education and training. 4. Confident d. Profession; occupation 5. Astronout e. A number of people doing a special job 6. Mission f. A person who tries to discover new facts 7. Career g. A person who travels in a spacecraft 8. Research h. Pretty; pleasing to look at