(n) wealth, riches, prosperity; great abundance, plenty Unit 8 Vocabulary affluence (n) wealth, riches, prosperity; great abundance, plenty
The elaborate clothing and jewelry the people are wearing suggest affluence.
(n) Unpaid or overdue debts; an unfinished duty arrears (n) Unpaid or overdue debts; an unfinished duty
Since the man was in arrears, he could not have his building finished by the contractor he hired and was left to do it himself.
cascade (n) A steep, narrow waterfall; something falling or rushing forth in quantity; (v) to flow downward (like a waterfall)
The woman’s beautiful hair cascaded down her shoulders. We stood in awe at the flowing cascade that seemed to appear as if from nowhere.
(v) To shrink back or hide in fear or submissiveness cringe (v) To shrink back or hide in fear or submissiveness
The girl cringed as the nurse came in with a shot. The girl cringed as the nurse came in with a shot.
(adj) cranky, ill-tempered; full of odd whims crotchety (adj) cranky, ill-tempered; full of odd whims
The crotchety old farmer was not the best person to ask for directions.
(n) The size, shape, or arrangement of something format (n) The size, shape, or arrangement of something
This is the general format of any science classroom.
(adj) not movable; not moving immobile (adj) not movable; not moving
As a result of the accident, the woman suffered from paralysis, which rendered her immobile.
(adj) blocked so that nothing can go through impassable (adj) blocked so that nothing can go through
The use of this area by the construction workers renders it impassable.
innovation (n) Something new, a change; the act of introducing a new method, idea, device, etc
(adj) good-humored, in high spirits; merry jovial (adj) good-humored, in high spirits; merry
The two women are always jovial when in each other’s company.
manacle (n) A handcuff, anything that chains or confines; (v) to chain or restrain (as with handcuffs)
These manacles would be used to hold a dangerous criminal.
martial (adj) warlike, fond of fighting; relating to war, the army, or military life
This is a sample of traditional and modern martial arts.
minimum (n) The smallest possible amount; (adj) the lowest permissible or possible
The minimum wage is the lowest amount your boss could possibly pay you.
(adj) quick and skillful in movement, agile; clever nimble (adj) quick and skillful in movement, agile; clever
To practice such a drill continuously should make you nimble.
onset (n) The beginning, start (especially of something violent and destructive); an attack, assault
It is visible that this person may be suffering from an onset of the flu.
partition (n) Something that divides (such as a wall); the act of dividing something into parts or sections; (v) to divide or subdivide into shares
The partition keeps employees on task as well as offers them privacy.
(adj) likely to spoil or decay perishable (adj) likely to spoil or decay
Bread is perishable; it will only last for a short amount of time.
(v) To find and bring back, get back; to put right, make good retrieve (v) To find and bring back, get back; to put right, make good
Labrador Retrievers make good hunting dogs – can you guess why?
(adj) appearing evil or dangerous; threatening evil or harm sinister (adj) appearing evil or dangerous; threatening evil or harm
This clown looks rather sinister!
(adj) tightly drawn, tense; neat, in good order taut (adj) tightly drawn, tense; neat, in good order
The cleaning company makes sure my house is clean and in taut shape. The woman is showing you that you must pull each string taut when you tie the knot.