Looking for Similarities and Patterns Step One: Asia Rising and Yellow Promise/Yellow Peril – Lesson 02 Doing the Historian's Work Looking for Similarities and Patterns Step One: You are historians of the Russo-Japanese War. You have been given an unorganized set of visual primary documents (slides two through four). These documents are in no particular order or established categories. It is up to you to examine the documents, and then establish categories by content. Look for patterns in the content. Copy and paste postcards with like content onto empty slides (slides five through 10). After a slide has three or four postcards with like theme or content within it, write a descriptive title for that category at the top. Although there are five empty slides in the template, you are not bound to that number and may insert additional slides. Step Two: Examine the signature graphic for postcards of foreign origin (slide 10). Choose an alternative graphic from the set of postcards and list three reasons for choosing this graphic. Massachusetts Institute of Technology © 2006 Visualizing Cultures Images from the Leonard A. Lauder Collection of Japanese Postcards at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Images 1-16 of 48 images
Images 17-32 of 48 images
Images 33-48 of 48 images
Write your first category here
Write your second category here
Write your third category here
Write your fourth category here
Write your fifth category here
Signature graphic for foreign postcards: Place your signature graphic here. List three reasons your graphic represents foreign views of the Russo-Japanese War. Note: One of your reasons must address why this graphic is visually compelling. 1. 2. 3.