Review preparation
Need to know Review date: March 26th, 2015 Location: Luxembourg (further details to be known from Officer) M12 expires on January 31 All M12 deliverables must be sent by that date strictly, AND THIS WEEK IS THE DEADLINE FOR INTERNAL REVIEW!! except for annual report (D10.2) which must be delivered (within 60 days but) sufficiently in advance BEFORE the review date
Review preparation Two aspects: Management Scientific/Technical
Annual report Template applicable for Learn Pad is on-line in WP10 wiki page (you don’t need to care about) Essentially consists of three parts: Summary info by coordinator (Antonia with PCB) Activity report: summarises results and activities per WP ALL WP Leaders Management report: summarises contributions, effort and costs per partner ALL PARTNERS AS AGREED IN L’AQUILA I NEED YOUR INPUTS TO 2 AND 3 BY FEBRUARY 15TH
Reporting by Feb. 15 Management report: WP10/Management+Report+for+Partner Activity report: WP10/Activity+Report+Per+WP#Attachments
Things perhaps improved after meeting at UDA but project still seems underspending, i.e. not committing sufficient resources
Related projects EmployID Supports the needs of EU Public Employment Services (PES) to acquire a set of new transversal skills and competencies, as well as embed a professional culture of continuous improvement during a period of economic turbulence and demographic change EAGLE Aims at equipping employees in local government administration in rural communities with a holistic training solution that supports learning of critical transversal skills such as ICT literacy, information literacy ….. Recognition of public servants as users and authors and for sharing their expertise with colleagues will be the incentive to keep the system lively and up to date
Web, Social, Dissemination&Exploitation Need to vitalize/populate Web & Social BEFORE the review , and to make a plan for publications for the next year.
Changed, see version on wiki Review Agenda 09:00 - 09:15 Greetings and Intro 09:15 - 10:00 Project Overview & Management 10:00 - 10:30 WP1: Results from req elicitation and analysis activities 10:30 - 11:00 WP8: Learn PAd Use cases 11:00 - 11:30 Break 11:30 - 12:00 WP3: Results from the Learn PAd modeling activities 12:00 – 12:30 WP2: Vision of Learn PAd platform & architecture 12:30 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 15:00 WP5 & WP6 Prototypes demo 15:00 - 15:30 Dissemination&Exploitation: Y1 results and plans 15:30 - 16:00 Break 16:00 - 17:00 Reviewers comments and discussion Changed, see version on wiki
Review participants To be discussed: Robert x WP1, Jean x WP2&7, Alfonso x WP3, Stefania x WP4, Barbara x WP5, JP x WP6, Barbara x WP8, Darius x WP9, Andrea&Simona as PA Antonia, Andrea, Guglielmo x mngmt Demos: WP4?, WP5 Knut, WP6? , WP3 Nesat, Sara, Antonello?
Before closing Next meetings: Review Rehearsal Rome Feb 12th? DECIDED for 17&18 FEBRUARY, ROME M12 Review March 26 (&25) PMB 4 and S/T 5 Camerino, April 2015 DECIDED for WIEN, MAY 27&28 S/T 6 July 2015 NME?
Thanks! Please upload your slides into the wiki….