Distributed voting application for handheld devices Presenter: Pham Dung The ptdung@oslab.khu.ac.kr Oct. 2008
In stadium, e.g a football match, some friends invite you to participate in voting for best player of the match.
Motivation and requisites A group of connected handheld device users wants to vote for a certain event: best player, best favorite song,… based on a given list of candidates. There’s no centralized device to calculate voting results. All is totally distributed computing. After a while of iterations, each device has the similar voting results. Requisites: Devices participating in voting form a connected graph. Disconnected sub-network will only have local voting results based on votings of its nodes. Device only exchanges messages with its one-hop neighbors. Old voting applications: Online voting, voting by SMS message.
Solution proposal Using: Message passing mechanism. Asynchronous Distributed Averaging algorithm.
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