Panel Discussion Bringing Rio+20 Agenda Forward 7th Global RCE Conference 21-24 September 2012 Tongyeong, ROK Panel Discussion Bringing Rio+20 Agenda Forward Katsunori Suzuki Kanazawa University Visiting Professor, UNU-IAS Copyright (C) Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. Copyright (C) Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Topics for Discussion What are the implications Rio+20 outcomes for the ESD stakeholders? What opportunities these outcomes offer for the multistakeholder communities of learning such as RCEs?
Inputs to Rio+20 from multi-stakeholder communities STATEMENT OF JAPANESE STAKEHOLDERS FOR THE PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Proposal for the Development of a Sustainable 21st Century International Society based on Experiences from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Subsequent Nuclear Power Plant Accident MESSAGE FROM ASIAN NGO NETWORK ON EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Message from ESD-J and other Asian NGOs working for ESD
Implications of Rio+20 outcomes for the ESD stakeholders Four major observations Change of major actors to promote sustainable development Promotion of ESD beyond the DESD Higher Education for Sustainability Initiative and HESD voluntary commitments Education stakeholder group
Opportunities these outcomes offer for the multi-stakeholder communities of learning Further development of ESD promotion framework towards the Global Conference on ESD (DESD Final Year Conference) in November 2014 Framework for further promotion of ESD beyond the DESD Primary and secondary education: ASP HESD RCEs Community learning centers (CLCs) NGO community: formal launch of the Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE) in 2014