Thank you for your support Compliance & Ethics Week 2016 Thank you for your support
First and foremost, let’s take a moment to recognize ALL VETERANS: Whether at home, abroad, reserves, or retired...
To kick off Compliance & Ethics Week 2016, Freddy had a Party! No worries, he kept the party compliant and ethical!! Click here to view some highlights!
Thank You to all teams participating in our “Update Challenge” Team: Yvette, Gail, Lindsay, Justin, Courtney & better late than never - Patrick! Team Courtney is our Pizza Party winner!!
The Maze Challenge helped us visualize “the path” …thanks to all who worked through this challenge The winners are Shirleen Hancock, Chris Ball, and Thomas Brown. Prizes will be delivered soon!
Our Super Student Services Team in Campbell!
Thank you Jay Fiet in our Troy, New York office & Nili Benson in our Littleton, Colorado office for your help in making National Corporate Compliance Week a Company-Wide event!
Melissa Fiorenza in our Troy, New York office solved FREDDY’S LOGIC PUZZLE Your Prize is coming soon!
Our Colorado Compliance Champs are enjoying their Thank You Gifts!
getting into the Spirit of Compliance & Ethics Week! Thank you Team Colorado... For sharing fun photos and getting into the Spirit of Compliance & Ethics Week!
Now, to our extremely creative Admissions Team...! Freddy really got around this week. Click here to check out our Google Drive for Freddy Art Submissions!
Freddy and Friends “following the path” just like our awesome admissions team!
Of course Freddy visited with Nicholas’ friends
Special thanks to Mari for helping us find Freddy cupcakes. Thank you to People Services for providing support!
The CARE Team: Jason, AC, Desiree, Heather, Carmen and Susan
We all love graduates! let’s make a transformational difference in the world! Every Mind Matters
We love to kaizen (continuous improvement) so we would appreciate your feedback on how we can enhance Compliance & Ethics week in 2017.