2012 Popcorn Incentives My popcorn sales goal is: $350 Orders Due @ 10/23 Pack Meeting My popcorn sales goal is: $350 Look what you will earn by reaching your sales goal! $350 Throw a pie in your leader’s face! $650 $20 gift card Amazon or Walmart $1,000 Summer Day Camp Top 3 Sellers Reward! Dartboard Yard Games Electronic Ball Top Selling Den Reward! Pizza Party! Those scouts selling $350 get $90 Yearly Dues paid + $15 in Scout Account + $15 Scout Shop Gift Card + entry in weekly drawing for $100 Scout Shop Gift Card (each week $350 is sold & reported to Cub Master) $650 = $350 prizes + $105 in Scout Acct + $20 Gift Card (Amazon/Walmart) + $30 Scout Shop Gift Card $1,000 = prizes above + $210 in Scout Acct + Day Camp $1,500 = prizes above + $360 in Scout Acct + $50 Gift Card (Amazon/Walmart) $2,500 = prizes above + $660 in Scout Acct + $200 Scout Shop Gift Card or KINDLE FIRE or 6% Scholarship (*our Pack did not elect to participate in Trails End “Prize Plan” but to have Pack Prizes) Don’t forget – online sales count!