Opera Basics Survey of Music
The Making of an Opera Similar to making a movie, staging an opera takes time, and many people in order to have a successful show. Before staging an opera you must have a Libretto- the entire text of an opera. This is similar to a script of a movie.
Voices of the Opera Since opera is done just by singing you need to know the different voice types of the characters in an opera. Soprano- High female voice Mezzo Soprano- Lower female voice Contralto- Lowest female voice ( Rare to see in an opera) Tenor- High male voice Baritone- Lower male voice ( roughly between a tenor and Bass) Bass- Lowest male voice
Other important roles Orchestra- Provides all of the music for the opera. Chorus- Singers outside of the main characters. Conductor- Conducts both the singers and orchestra so that the opera runs smoothly.
Parts of an Opera Overture- Music played by the orchestra at the beginning of the opera. This is usually parts to many pieces within the entire opera. Recitative- A free prose like accompanied piece of music. This mimics speech and is sung before an aria or chorus. Aria- This is one of “highlights” within an opera One main character sings solo bout a particular situation accompanied by the orchestra. Each main character has one or more aria’s in an opera. Chorus- A large musical number with some or all of the cast involved.