CHRIST IS GREATER THAN THE LAW Cards 86-90 MESSAGE OF HERBREWS CHRIST IS GREATER THAN THE LAW The book of Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish Christians. Contrary to the usual custom the writer’s name is not given in the opening verses, nor in the closing salutations. Therefore Bible experts aren’t sure exactly who wrote it, but whoever it was, he wanted to encourage the Hebrews and help them see that the Christian faith was the true way. You see, the Hebrews had been getting very discouraged. They were being beaten and killed for worshiping Jesus and were about ready to give up. In fact, some had even been thinking about going back to their old Jewish faith—a faith that included the sacrificing of animals; a set of laws and standards to live by that were almost impossible to keep; and the belief that one place on earth was more sacred and holy than any other. That Jewish “holy place” was the temple in Jerusalem. As you read Hebrews, you’ll see some of the things that happened in the Jerusalem temple.
MESSAGE OF HEBREWS A. Kill all the animals you want B. Keep the old law C. Christ is greater than the Law The book of Hebrews was written to a group Jew_______ Chr___________. Peter wrote the book of Hebrews? True or False Do we know for sure who wrote Hebrews? Whoever wrote it wanted to encourage the Hebrews and help them see that the Chr___________ faith was the tr__________ way. What had been happening to the Hebrews for worshiping Jesus? Where they very discouraged and ready to give up? The old Jewish faith included the sacrificing of animals. True or False Hebrews shows that the Gospel is greater than the law. True or False When was this old law done away with?
CHRIST A PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF Cards 86-90 CHRIST A PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK Christ’s priesthood continues while time endures. As Melchizedek (this is spelled Melchisedec,in the N.T.; an order of translation) was a king upon his throne in Salem, as well as a priest so also is Christ forever! In this respect, as well as in several others, the rank of Melchizedek was superior to that of Aaron.
CHRIST A PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF A. Methuselah B. Meribah C. Melchizedek Christ’s priesthood continues while time endures. True or False Melchizedek was a king upon his throne in Salem. True or False Melchizedek was also a priest True or False Things to remember: Christ and Melchizedek priesthoods are alike in that: a. Neither was of the Levitical tribe b. Both were superior to Abraham c. the beginning and end of both is unknown d. And each is not only a priest, but a king as well Because Christianity is based upon better promises, than the old law, it gives hope that reaches into heaven itself (Heb. 6:19) God foretold the removal of the old law—it served as a shadow of things to come and was to be removed. (Heb. 8-10)
ANCHOR OF THE SOUL HOPE As an anchor holds the ship when the storms are raging, so this hope holds the soul steadfast. The hope of the believer is to his soul what a “sure and steadfast” anchor is to a ship. The storm may rage and the billows may rise like mountains, but so long as the anchor holds, the ship rides prosperously and triumphantly over the troubled waters. And so it is with the soul of the Christian. So long as his hope is “sure and steadfast,” he is perfectly secure. But when his hope is lost, all is lost. He is then like a ship driven by a tempest without an anchor
ANCHOR OF THE SOUL B. Love C. Hope A. A rope H______ holds the soul steadfast. The hope of the believer is to his soul what a “sure and steadfast” anchor is to a ship. True or False So long as a Christian’s hope is “sure and steadfast”, he is perfectly secure. True or False When hope is lost, a_____is lost. When hope is lost you are like a ship driven by a tempest without an anchor. True or False
HE TAKETH AWAY THE FIRST (TESTAMENT) THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND He taketh away the first, the old covenant with its sacrifices, and establishes the second, the new covenant inaugurated by complete submission to the will of God. “He taketh away the first,” which was not the will of God; “that he may establish the second,” which is the will of God. Jesus was the final sacrifice; He came to give His life. His death nailed the Old Testament to the cross.
HE TAKETH AWAY THE FIRST (TESTAMENT) A. So He could make people mad B. Because He didn’t know anything else to say C. That He may establish the second Did the first, the old covenant, require animal sacrifices? Was the new covenant a complete submission to the will of God? Was the first covenant the will of God? Was the second covenant the will of God? Who was the final sacrifice? Who gave His life for the new covenant? Did Christ’s death nail the Old Testament to the cross?
QUOTE HEBREWS 10:25 In times of persecution there was a great temptation to stay away from the church assemblies, and some had fallen into this dangerous neglect. Many of the Hebrew brethren were no doubt greatly discouraged; and some of them had fallen into the habit of neglecting the regular meetings of the Church. This was clearly wrong for several reasons. (1) Because by so doing, they neglected and set at naught an ordinance of God. Nothing is more obvious in the history of the primitive Church than that the members of the several congregations were taught to meet together on every Lord’s Day, and no doubt also frequently during the week for public and social worship. (2) Because by neglecting this ordinance of God, the disciples deprived themselves of many social and religious privileges. The Church of Christ is a social institution designed for the edification and improvement of all its members. (3) The delinquent Hebrews were doing wrong also, because of the bad example which they were setting before others. The church is a community of believers who are commanded to meet together for worship, to celebrate the Lord’s Supper to baptized believers, and to have fellowship one with another. The word of God is to be preached for the edification of believers and offerings are to be gathered. All Christians should unite with a Church of Christ and attend its services regularly.
QUOTE HEBREWS 10:25 “Not for_____________the assembling of our_______________together, and the manner of some is; but ex_____________ one another and so much the more as ye see the d_________approaching. In times of persecution there was a great temptation to stay away from the church assemblies. T or F Some had fallen into this dangerous neglect. True or False The Hebrew brethren were greatly discouraged and some had fallen into the habit of neglecting the regular meetings of the Church. True or False Is it pleasing to God for us to neglect the regular worship service of the Church? What are some reasons why this wrong: a. You are neglecting an ord______________ of God. b. Because by neglecting you are depriving yourself of many soc_______ and rel________ privileges. c. Because you will be setting a bad ex_____________ before others. By meeting every Sunday you are improving and being edified. True or False Are we commanded to meet together for worship and take of the Lord’s Supper? Is the word of God to be preached when we meet? Are offerings to be gathered when we meet? Can you give any reason why you shouldn’t attend the worship service of the church?