Native American Groups in Texas
Objective Analyze and compare the cultures of Native Americans in Texas prior to European colonization.
Native Texans of the Great Plains Region Apache, Comanche, Kiowa Hunted buffalo and became skilled hunters when introduced to the horse. Relied on buffalo to provide them with all their living essentials- food, shelter, clothing, tools, weapons Buffalo constantly moved so they needed a home that was easy to take apart and carry on long journeys. Created the tepee.
Buffalo and Tepee
Native Texans of the Mountains and Basins Region Jumanos and Tiguas Lived in adobe houses and farmed. Adobe- brick or other building material made of sun-dried mud and straw
Adobe Homes
Native Texans of the Central Plains Wichita Primarily farmers Made clay pots, jars, and leather bags. Built grass houses that held 8-10 people.
Wichita Grass House
Native Texans of the Coastal Plains/Gulf Coast Coahuiltecans, Karankawas, Caddoes, Atakapans, Cherokee, Alabama-Coushatta Nomads- one who moves from place to place with no permanent home searching for food Hunted small game, gathered berries
Objective Analyze and compare the cultures of Native Americans in Texas prior to European colonization.