RELAYS AGAIN Microcontroller->Transistor->Solenoid
RELAYS AGAIN Solid State Relays (SSR) DC Solid State: opto-isolation, very fast (PWM), very low power, drive directly from Microcontroller. AC Solid State: same as above, may not be able to switch faster than the AC Signal frequency. (used in light dimmers)
RELAYS vs. Transistor Switch Mechanical Relay: cheap, makes little noise, visible Mechanical motion. Solid State Relay: opto-isolation, very fast (PWM), very low power, drive directly from microcontroller. Transistor Switch: very cheap, small, fast.
MOTORS AGAIN Hobby Servo: Built in Encoder -- Built in Servo Controller +V, GND, Signal Give the signal line a PWM value. (like PWM) ATT: Pulse Width DEFINES POSITION, NOT SPEED Pulse Width Signal created by Built Servo Controller. [the above is true for hobby servos. It allows for cheap Motors. Industrial servos, use different control Techniques….]
MOTORS AGAIN Stepper Motor [Electro-Magnets]
SENSORS RESISTIVE SENSORS: CAPACITIVE: PIEZO ELECTRIC PYRO ELECTRIC (change resistance) “Photocell” “Bend Sensors” “CO sensor” CAPACITIVE: (change capacitance) “Condenser microphones” “Touch Sensors” PIEZO ELECTRIC PYRO ELECTRIC SONARS
SENSORS PIEZO ELECTRIC: PYRO ELECTRIC Create voltage when bent / when voltage across they bend… . some capacitive sensors have digital-out built in. PYRO ELECTRIC Warps when exposed to heat. => change capacitance (“Motion Infrared Sensors”)
SENSORS SONARS PHOTOTRANSISTOR Light controlled switches Emit sound and record time it takes for sound waves to return. (reflection, angle, complications…) PHOTOTRANSISTOR Light controlled switches (base current created with photons)
SENSORS INFRARED REFLECTION SENSORS IR OPTICAL SWITCH Transmitter / Receiver in one package or two. (record reflection time, similar to sonars; can be used as collision detection sensors or data link.) IR OPTICAL SWITCH IR LED + PHOTOTRANSISTOR
PROJECT PROPOSAL 0. Team 1. Short 3 Sentence Summary 2. 300 Word Description 3a. Floatchart 3b. Open questions lists. (what do you not know and how are you planning to find out?) 4. Timeline 5. Partslist
PROJECT PROPOSAL 0. Form Teams, sign-up on elearning. Team name should be same as project name. 1.Short 3 Sentence Summary (“elevator pitch”) 2. 300 Word Description: What ? Why ? How? For Whom? [objectives / research goals / user / client base] project should ideally address a social, political or environmental theme of your interest;
3a. Float chart FLOAT CHART
PROJECT PROPOSAL 3b. Open questions lists. (what do you not know and how are you planning to find out?) BE SPECIFIC!!
PROJECT PROPOSAL 4. Timeline & Task Division [calendar] (week by week break-up. “Who is doing what when”) 5. Parts list and Manufacturers;
PROJECT PROPOSAL FORMAT: Powerpoint and/or html. Prepare prepare 10-15 minute presentation.
PIGEONBLOG PigeonBlog, provides an alternative way to participate in environmental air pollution data gathering. The project equips urban homing pigeons with GPS enabled electronic air pollution sensing devices capable of sending real-time location based air pollution and image data to an online mapping/blogging environment.
ANNOUNCEMENTS FEB 6: project proposal presentations; EAGLE overview. FEB 13: Roachbot demo, FAB reading 2 due. Fab reading discussion.
ENGAGING AMBIVALENCE 1. On page two the authors mention that ".. DARPA is in the business of creating and satisfying desire." What type of desire are they talking about? What is your take on this? (200 words) 2. What types of problematic outcomes do the authors perceive to be inherent in what they call the "da Vinci" impulse and the "Dilbert" impulse? Do you agree? (300 words) 3. How do the two aspects above relate to engineering culture in more general terms? Do you find any of that within your own education? [Feel free to add any comments/thoughts you might have on this article as a whole.] (200-300 words)