Extending MICROS to include Solar Reflectance Bands (SRB)


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Presentation transcript:

Extending MICROS to include Solar Reflectance Bands (SRB) Sasha Ignatov1 and Xingming Liang1,2 1NOAA/NESDIS/STAR 2CSU/CIRA GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 1 of 7

M-O in Earth Emission Bands (EEB) M-O biases in MICROS “M” - model BTs Generated by CRTM w/ first guess SST and GFS profile as input No aerosols included in EEBs “O”- Clear-sky sensor ocean Radiances Clear-Sky BTs generated using ACSPO Cloud Mask and QC Generate double differences (DDs) to check cross- platform consistency “M” serves as a ‘Transfer Standard’ DDs cancel out/minimize effect of systematic errors & instabilities in BTs GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 2 of 7

M-O in Solar Reflectance Bands (SRB) M-O biases in MICROS “M” - model BTs No CRTM simulations available in Solar Reflectance Bands (SRB) “O”- Clear-sky sensor ocean Radiances Clear-sky reflectances available in SRBs using the same Cloud Mask and QC Once M is available in SRBs, double differences DDs can be also calculated “M” serves as a ‘Transfer Standard’ DDs cancel out/minimize effect of systematic errors & instabilities in BTs How to calculate the “M” in Solar Bands? GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 3 of 7

“M” in Solar Reflectance Bands (SRB) Atmosphere – major signal in SRBs 3D Aerosol fields Gaseous absorption, Rayleigh(pressure) - GFS Surface reflectance – minor signal in SRBs Fresnel reflectance Water-leaving radiance (nLw): small & constant at λ>0.6 µm nLw needed at λ<0.6 μm – product of ocean color community Remaining errors in nLw will cancelled out in calculation DDs CRTM v2.0 Includes scattering and can work in SRBs Inefficient (slow) – under optimization GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 4 of 7

3D Aerosol Fields inputs into CRTM The Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) – Working with NASA GSFC Radiation Branch - Mian Chin NASA GSFC Global Model Assimilation Office (GMAO) – A. da Silva, P. Colarco NOAA NCEP – S. Lu Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) – Working with Naval Research Lab (NRL) – E. Hyer, D. Westphal University of N. Dakota (UND) – J. Zhang CRTM Team – Working with JCSDA – F. Weng, Y. Han, Q. Liu, Y. Chen, P. Van Delst GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 5 of 7

Aerosol Quality Monitor (AQUAM) http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/sod/sst/aquam AQUAM established to check for consistency between satellite and model Aerosol Optical Depths (AOD) Available in AQUAM: 5 AVHRRs, 2 MODIS, AERONET Under testing: GOCART/CRTM, NAAPS/CRTM GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 6 of 7

GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Future Work AQUAM - Achieve Consistency between satellite, model and ground truth AODs Satellite – AVHRR, MODIS Model – GOCART/CRTM, NAAPS/CRTM Ground Truth – Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Simulate TOA reflectances in SRBs and achieve consistency with satellite reflectances Calculate M-O biases in SRBs and Double Differences  add in MICROS Incorporate aerosol in CRTM for EEBs, improve Double Differences in EEBs  add in MICROS GSICS Annual Meeting, Beijing, 5-8 March 2012 Slide 7 of 7