Texila American University (TAU) School of Public Health Capstone Project for Presentation to the TAU 3rd International Scientific e-Conference Title: Environmental Health Awareness Among South African Residents in the city of Klerksdorp.
SUMMARY This cross sectional study assess the LEVEL of environmental health awareness and education among Klerksdorp residents in South Africa; AND evaluate the correlation between this and their health care consumption. Findings: 1. unacceptable level of environmental health awareness among the studied population. 2. poor correlation between the adverse effects associated with environmental health and health care consumption.
SO WHAT? So, the awareness of Environmental factors are very important to healthy living. This lack of adequate environmental health awareness create a state of poor health and burden on government vision to have a healthy population. Knowledge about environmental related diseases are very poor. 1 in 9 of global deaths are due to air pollution which is one of the indices studied in the research This work is important as it could be used to advise the government or policy makers on the need to create environmental health awareness in the city.
BACKGROUND Study shows an UNACCEPTABLE level of environmental health awareness among the studied population. One would have expected a working age (20-65) in this study to be better informed. According to the indices knowledge/sex ration pie chart, the only index that receive a fairly good outcome was car pollution (34%), followed by garbage treatment (25%) Knowledge and awareness on water treatment, noise pollution, industrial pollution, deforestation,ozone depletion, green house effects and radiation were very poor. There is also a poor correlation between environmental health , and what diseases it can lead to. The result of this study indicate that the level of health promotion is very poor, thereby making the citizens more vulnerable to unhealthy practices. Many do not even know there is an ozone layer, the chrolorofluorocarbons (CFCs); thereby exposing themselves to unnecessary health hazards. Environmental health induced diseases like cholera, typhoid fever, skin cancer, Tuberculosis, silicosis and lung cancer have killed millions in Africa and this scourge is still on the rise. Environmental health EDUCATION is therefore very critical in addressing this issues.
METHOD Study type: descriptive cross sectional study Study setting: Klerksdorp city, South Africa. Study population: 100; 55 males, 45 females. Data collection and analysis: data were gathered using pretested, self administered questionnaire of 35 open and close ended in a proportionate sampling of people that make up the city. Samples were drawn from Klerksdorp districts-Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfonten, Haartbeesfontein (KOSH) using random multistage sampling technique. Over 2 weeks period. Descriptive statistics was summarised using frequency tables, bar chart. Analytical approach: deductive reasoning.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, there is an urgent need to address the outcome of this study- which indicate a very poor awareness about the environmental menace and health. There is also a need to address environmental diseases. Benchmarking of the Norwegian environmental education system can be adapted to South Africa local scenario and need. The Norwegian approach was in line with UNESCO goal- Their ministry of education strategy, “ all pupils should receive environmental education!” It has been shown through similar descriptive study that public environmental education and communication are the key tools for reaching out and effective delivery of awareness campaign- (Talero, 2014).
FUTURE STEPS South African government should include environmental health education in the school curricula. Health promotion should receive a boost. Further studies on environmental health awareness should be conducted with larger samples to add to the reliability and validity of the study. A quantitative research on this subject to enhance a systematic review on the subject.
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