Fetal-infant growth chart for weight, length, and head circumference Fetal-infant growth chart for weight, length, and head circumference. Sources: intrauterine weight, length and head circumference, postterm sections—CDC growth charts 2000. URL. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2431/3/13. (Reproduced with permission from Fenton TR: A new growth chart for preterm babies: Babson and Benda's chart updated with recent data and a new format, BMC Pediatr. 2003 Dec 16;3:13.) Source: The Newborn Infant, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, 22e Citation: Hay WW, Jr., Levin MJ, Deterding RR, Abzug MJ. CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, 22e; 2013 Available at: https://accesspediatrics.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/books/1016/hay_ch2_f001.png&sec=61592161&BookID=1016&ChapterSecID=61592149&imagename= Accessed: October 31, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved