Harper Mobile Connecting with Students
Harper College Linda A. Mueller Manager, Business Systems Development and Support lmueller@harpercollege.edu
Harper College Founded in 1967 Community college in Palatine, IL (30 miles NW of Chicago) Enrollment 17,659 Credit (Fall Headcount 2010-2011) 4,539 CE (Fall Headcount 2009-2010) 889 Faculty (204 FT; 685 PT) (Nov. 2010) 693 Non-faculty (Nov. 2010)
Agenda Why Go Mobile? Developing Our Mobile Strategy Design, Branding & Marketing Student Engagement, Analytics & Feedback Looking to the Future….
Hands On (see handout) Download the app from the App Store Visit our mobile web site Watch our YouTube video
Why Go Mobile?
Where It’s At: Our Students Pew Research Center 93% of 18- to 29-year-olds own a cell phone; 65% own a smartphone 31% of current cell Internet users say they mostly go online using their cell phone, not desktop or laptop. 31% of American adults own a tablet computer 60% of students sometimes feel “addicted” to their phone 93% of students claim their smartphone makes their lives easier
Where It’s At: Higher Ed 2012 Survey by collegewebeditor.com representing 267 institutions 59% of institutions provide mobile of some type 59% of the survey respondents plan to implement a mobile solution in less than a year 88% identify current students as target audience 83% of existing or planned mobile solutions support campus life by providing a calendar of events, bus schedules or maps among others.
Connecting with our students…
Connecting with our students… …on their terms
Student Technology Survey 2011 I would like to use my smart/mobile device for: (check all that apply) Number of Students
Increasing student engagement = Increases likelihood of student success Taking Student Retention Seriously: Rethinking the First Year of College Vincent Tinto Syracuse University
…For me, the key piece is recognizing that the mobile computing power in our pockets radically changes not merely our classrooms but, more important, the spaces that students inhabit and the conversations they have outside of our teaching… http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/mobile-perspectives-teaching-mobile-literacy
Developing Our Strategy
Getting Started Develop internally or partner Staffing/Financial resources Timing Capabilities of staff
Partnering with Blackboard Availability on all popular mobile platforms Ability to quickly develop and deploy Market leadership Scalability Availability on all popular mobile platforms Ability to quickly develop and deploy Market leadership Scalable
Our Mobile Team
Test Devices Blackberry Mac w/iOS simulator iPads Xoom Android iPods iPhone Android
Phase 2 enhancements for iOS and Android Timeline Start 7 mos. 8 mos. 13 mos. 14 mos. Kick-off Dec 2010 iOS June 2011 Android July 2011 Phase 2 enhancements for iOS and Android Blackberry Jan 2012 Web app Feb 2012
Design and Branding
Research: What’s Out There?
Review Blackboard Implementation Guide
Incorporate Graphic Standards
Evaluate Icon Sets