Control of energy efficiency parameters in Transneft, JSC
Purchased energy resources 2 Electricity (power and heat supply of facilities). Heat energy (heat supply of facilities). Gas (heat power generation for heat supply of facilities). Oil (generation of heat energy for heat supply of facilities and heating oil at en route heating points, electricity generation for power supply). Diesel fuel (generation of heat energy for heat supply of facilities). Motor fuels (gasoline and diesel fuel for motor and special-purpose vehicles).
Parameters under control 3 Reduction of per unit consumption of electricity, % Reduction of energy resources consumption, %, in particular: 2.1. reduction of electricity consumption 2.2. reduction of heat energy consumption 2.3. reduction of boiler and furnace fuel consumption 2.4. reduction of motor fuel consumption
Planned consumption of energy resources in 2015-2020 4 No. Energy resource Measurement unit Energy resource consumption Share in total consumption of fuel and energy resources, % 1 2 3 4 Electricity mln kW*h 94761 84 Boiler and furnace fuel thous. tcf 1245 9 Heat energy thous. Gcal 1134 Motor fuel 784 6
Primary parameters of energy efficiency in 2010 - 2014 5 Commodity turnover 1 156 382 12,34 12,02 1 147 152 11 11,5 12 12,5 Per unit consumption of electricity, thous. kWh/mln.t km Commodity turnover, mln. t km Per unit consumption
Annual growth of energy resources consumption in 2015-2020 6 tcf No. Energy resource Measurement unit 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Commodity turnover mln t km 1 151 674 1 146 454 1 152 109 1 180 659 1 197 253 1 218 834 7 046 983 Electricity thous. kWh 13 482 340 13 737 871 14 153 983 17 067 106 17 145 066 19 174 434 94 760 801 Boiler and furnace fuel tcf 213 680 212 022 206 871 205 999 204 476 202 434 1 245 483 Heat energy Gcal 192 717 192 183 191 399 188 775 185 841 183 405 1 134 320 Motor fuel 133 967 132 153 131 035 130 011 129 114 128 147 784 427 TOTAL thous. tcf 2 034 2 061 2 106 2 462 2 469 2 715 13 848 Spending on fuel and energy resources RUB mln 36 676 38 964 40 435 48 962 50 369 56 737 272 143
Target figures of the Program of reduction of per unit consumption of energy resources for 2015-2020 7 Energy resources saving 2010 – 2014 13,6 % Energy resources saving 2015 – 2020 5 % Aggregate energy resources saving 2010-2020 18,6 %
Energy efficiency: comparison of Transneft, JSC with foreign peers 8 Energy efficiency of Transneft, JSC operating activity is good as compared to peers No. Foreign companies Transneft affiliates – TPL operators Company name Commodity turnover in 2012 Costs / commodity turnover in 2012 mln t*km RUB/thous.t*km mln.t*km 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enbridge Energy LP 106 043 33,57 1 121 619 29,90 TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP 42 273 75,37 Plains Pipeline LP 22 664 61,26 Marathon Pipe Line LLC 22 435 31,63 ConocoPhillips Transportation Alaska Inc. 15 088 54,30 Mid-Valley Pipeline Co. 15 077 36,65 7 Exxon Mobil Pipeline Co. 3 481 167,86 8 Platte Pipeline Co. 11 560 57,20 9 BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. 11 419 66,75 10 Sunoco Pipeline LP 7 102 66,67 11 Shell Pipeline Co. LP 7 773 60,21 264 913 49,69
Primary parameters proposed for comparison of energy efficiency 9 PER UNIT CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY, kWh/thous.t km (= [volume of electric power, cost of purchase (generation) of which is attributable to economic activity on oil/oil products transportation/transshipment] / [gross commodity turnover]). PER UNIT CONSUMPTION OF ALL ENERGY RESOURCES, tcf/mln t km (= [volume of all energy resources consumed by a company, cost of purchase of which is attributable to economic activity on oil/oil products transportation/transshipment] / [gross commodity turnover]).
Coefficients of conversion of energy resources into tcf: 10 Coefficients of conversion of energy resources into tcf: Conventional fuel — conventional unit of organic fuel, i.e. oil and its derivatives, natural gas and gas produced during shale, coal and turf processing, used in calculations of aggregate efficiency of different types of fuel. 1 thous. kWh = 0,123 tcf 1 Gcal = 0,143 tcf 1 t of gasoline or diesel fuel = 1,45 tcf 1 thous. cub. m of gas = 1,154 tcf 1 t of oil = 1,43 tcf