Panhandle Partnership for Health and Human Services Comprehensive Youth Services Assessment and Plan May 16, 2014
Objectives for Today Complete the plan. Confirm a plan to disseminate the plan
Agenda Updates from those who presented with County Commissioners and Eyes of the Child Team. Final revisions of 2014-2019 Plan. Complete a Year I Work Plan to be undertaken. Next Steps
Reports from Presentations Banner County Commissioners Box Butte County Commissioners Dawes County Commissioners Sioux County Commissioners Sheridan County Commissioners Dawes Eyes of the Child Scotts Bluff Eyes of the Child Others?
Sections of the Plan Introduction Description of Planning Process Description of Community Framework ( Guiding Principles, Intent of Broad Youth Centered Plans) Priority Areas, Strategies, and Actions Year I Work Plan
Appendices Appendix A: Data Section (CWB and JJ) Appendix B: Array of Youth Services Assessment Appendix C: List of Participants Appendix D: County Agreements Appendix E: Definitions Appendix F: Prevention Plan Appendix G: Community Health Improvement Plan Summary Appendix H: Public Private Partnership Plan for Older Youth ( without the budget) Appendix I: Community Based Behavioral Health Prevention and Early Intervention Model ( when it is complete- June)
Guiding Principles Panhandle youth services adhere to the Child and Adolescent Service System of Program (CASSP) principles that youth services are: child-centered, family focused, strengths-based, culturally competent provided in the least restrictive appropriate setting
The Panhandle Youth Services System works between service sectors to provide a continuum of youth services for young people 12- 24. The Panhandle Youth Services System envisions a system which:
System Defining Statements Provides strengths and assets based services. Where youth flow seamlessly between systems without falling through the cracks. Provides the right services at the right time. Is a continuum of services which is accessible geographically. Assures that services are evidence based and evidence informed. Promotes policy that decreases barriers so that youth may be served without having to enter high end systems
System Defining Statements Values community ownership Demonstrates accountability through shared data, assessments, planning and evaluation. Uses Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to improve outcomes and processes Believes that the best outcomes for youth will occur through a system of flexible funding that follow the youth. Promotes safety and inclusion for the most vulnerable of youth by race, ethnicity, gender, socio- economic status, and gender identity. Promotes the professionalism of youth services workers through shared training. Has a central referral and navigation component regardless of referral source. Is vibrant, adaptable and current.
Priority Areas Backbone Organization Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention Community Intervention Intensive Intervention Multicomponent Intensive Intervention Transitional Services ( Youth 14-24) Detention Center
Work Group Actions Review the plan as written and make any additions, corrections. Please have one person record and give copy to Joan. Identify between 1 and 3 Strategies that should be priorities for a Year I Work Plan at either the regional or local levels. Consider “low hanging fruit” – things that can easily be done. Long range items that need to be started. Do we have the resources to do these? If not add to action plan. Who should be responsible? Fill in form for Joan
NEXT STEPS Completion of Plan and Post on Website County Agreements signed Plan submitted