METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software


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Presentation transcript:

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Part 1 METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software What is Software? Software is a set of electronic instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software is also called an application or a program. There are two types of software. Application Software Operating System Software Application software allows you to accomplish specific tasks, such as composing documents in Microsoft Word. Operating system software controls the overall activity of a computer and ensures that all parts of a computer system work together smoothly and efficiently. Go to these two web link links and review some utility software which helps the operating system. 1. PC utilities list 2/ utility software METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Application Software Designed to carry out a particular task Microsoft PowerPoint Designed to carry out a particular task Microsoft Excel METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Application Software Application software is designed to help you accomplish specific tasks. Word processing Spreadsheet Database Image editor Web design software. Bundled software is software that comes with a new computer system or device, such as a scanner or digital camera. An application suite a collection of programs sold together in one package. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Word Processing Software A word processing program helps you create professional-looking documents quickly and efficiently. One of the most commonly used word processing program is Microsoft Word. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Spreadsheet Software A spreadsheet program helps you manage personal and business finances and store a large collection of information. Sometimes it’s called an “electronic spreadsheet.” Commonly used spreadsheet programs include Microsoft Excel, Corel Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Spreadsheets. A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Numbers, text, and formulas can be entered into a cell. Charts can be created easily from spreadsheet information. According to the chart, which grain is the biggest seller? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Database Software A database program helps you manage large collections of information such as mailing lists and phone directories. Commonly used database programs include Microsoft Access, Corel Paradox and FileMaker Pro. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Image Editor Software An image editor program allows you to change the appearance of an image on your computer. Popular image editor programs include Google’s Picasa, Corel’s Paint Shop Pro and Adobe’s Photoshop Elements. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Web Design Software A web design program allows you to visually create and organize Web pages for your Web site. Popular web design programs include Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Operating System Software An operating system, also called OS, has three main functions: Control hardware Run software Manage information Microsoft Windows is the most popular operating system used on home and business computers. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Why is Software Like Shoes? Shoes are designed for specific functions. You choose your shoes to match your activity. Jog in running shoes Shoot baskets in court shoes Attend special formal events in dress shoes METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Software is also designed for specific functions. You choose your software to assist you in working and completing certain tasks. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Multi-Purpose Shoes.. Some shoes are multi-purpose shoes, and can be worn to many different places. But normally you would not wear gym shoes to a wedding. There is a place and a certain purpose to each piece of software (and each pair of shoes.) METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Multi-purpose software Many software programs can also perform multiple tasks. For example, if you needed to type a list, you could use either MS Word or MS Excel. Both programs would work well. Each program, however, was created with a specific purpose in mind. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Look at each icon. Can you name the program that each icon represents? What do you think each program was created to do?. 4. 1. 7. 2. 5. 8. 3. 6. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Popular Software Programs MS Word……. MS Excel ..... MS Access …. MS PowerPoint… MS Publisher…. MS Outlook ……… MS Media Player .. MS Paint …………. Primary Use Word processing Spreadsheet Database Presentation Desktop publishing E-mail Play media files Graphics METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

What’s the difference between Word processing and Desktop publishing? Do they mean the same or almost the same thing…. Well……… METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Desktop Publishing (DTP) vs Word Processing (WP) Before personal computer became commonplace, only professional printers could produce leaflets, newspapers, books etc. But as personal computer became more powerful, 'Desktop Publishing' software was developed that allowed you to lay out pages yourself on the computer monitor. This software is different from a word-processor package because it is designed to let you move pictures and text around the page until you are happy with the layout. Open this file from the server to compare the DPT and WP features. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Link here to read the differences between the two. Myself, I love to use Publisher to design creative documents, but you can be very creative, in Word, too. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Hardware minus Software = Nothing to Do It’s great to have a fabulous big and speedy computer. But if you have no software installed, you’re not doing anything on that computer..nada.. Nothing. So… what do you need for the minimum bare basics in software? What do you think? Before you go to the next slide, open Word right now and make a list of the most essential programs you think need to be installed on a computer. We will discuss in class this period. . Then come back to slide 19 of this show. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Part 2 METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Hey, you’re back. How long was your list -2 -4-6-8-10 programs???? Well, what do you consider to be essential software? What was on your list? Study this chart. Do you think that any of these programs are essential ? Select Yes or No in the Essential Column. Programs Purpose Symbol Essential????? Answer Adobe Photo Shop Draw Photo edit Yes No Windows- Ex: XP/Vista etc Operating System METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Make More Software Choices what is “essential?” Programs Purpose Symbol Essential ??? Answer Anti-virus software Virus protection Yes No Solitaire Game Microsoft Paint Draw / Photo Edit METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Make More Software Choices what is “essential?” Programs Purpose Symbol Essentia????? Answer Quicktime / Windows Media Player Plays movie clips Yes No An Office or Office-like program with Word processing, spreadsheet, database, etc Several productivity programs METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Re-eXamine your thinking METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software You’re right! METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Re-eXamine your thinking METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Not at all…think again. Don’t you like to play movie clips? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software I like to see movies, too. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Dig deeper in your brain. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Click here We like your way of thinking…. Is Mr. Einstein your teacher? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Add Some SPICE Look closely at the next slide. Your thinking job is to SPICE it up …Mentally. What tools would you use to spice up this dull looking slide? What programs could you use to add more zip and pizazzz to it.? We’ll yakity yak your thoughts in class. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software METS 3.a.1

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software REFLECTION What thoughts did you conclude to SPICE it up? What else could you modify or add to make it more creative? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software METS 3.a.1

Popular Software and its Uses Read these relationship words MS Word MS Excel MS Access MS PowerPoint MS Publisher MS Outlook MS Paint MS Media Player Primary Use Word processing Spreadsheet Database Presentation Desktop publishing E-mail Graphics Play media files METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Do you recognize these icons? Mentally name the program that each icon represents. Click each number in order. Get them all correct or go back and rerun this slide. Why do you think each program was written for us to use? Power Point Word Windows Media Player Excel Publisher Paint Outlook Access METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Spreadsheet makeup A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. Numbers, text, and formulas can be entered into a cell. Charts can be created easily from spreadsheet information. According to the chart, which grain is the biggest seller? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Think Time! Listed below are 5 popular programs. “You figure out what is the best program to do a job” Click “1” to begin. Can you answer them all? Do them in order 1-5 Click here to Begin 1 2 3 4 5 METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Calculate numbers: METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Use for record keeping such as an address book or CD collection: METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Present a project in front of the class: METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Make a greeting card: METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

Type a paper for school: METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Correct! METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Correct! METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software Wrong Try again. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software So in review: read each column Application Tasks Program Database Storing and finding information Microsoft Access Graphics Creating presentations Creating and modifying images Microsoft PowerPoint, Paint, PaintShop Pro, Adobe Photoshop Spreadsheet Working with numbers Microsoft Excel Word Processor Writing letters and reports Microsoft Word Application software performs a specific job or task. Application software falls into three basic categories: stand-alone programs integrated software office suites METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

SS questions on Kellogg prodcuts Which cells would you add to get the total number of saturated fats (the bad fats) for the Kelloggs products ? They’re bad because they increase by chloresteral levels, which stresses your heart’s arteries. METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software

So. software is really an important part to running your computer is really an important part to running your computer. It’s not cheap and sometimes you have to buy it as a separate cost from the hardware. It all adds up to $$$$$$$ How many software application programs you use on your home computer? METS 1.a.4 necessary Computer software