What Science Is and Is Not: What Is Science? What Science Is and Is Not: What is science? Science is an organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world. 2. What is the goal of science? To investigate and understand nature, to explain events in nature, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions. II. Thinking like a scientist: 3. What is observation? Using your senses or instruments to gather information in a careful, orderly way. 4. Example: The animal has four legs. 5. The information gathered from observation is called: data
6. Complete the table about the types of data: Quantitative Temperature Qualitative The liquid is blue. 7. What is an inference? 8. Example: A prediction about something that you observe based on past experiences. It rained last night.
Inference Practice – What happened? 1. The grass is wet. What happened? It rained last night. The sprinkler was on. The dog peed on the grass!. What are you looking at?!
2. The school fire alarm is going off. What happened? The school is on fire. We are having a fire drill. Somebody pulled the fire alarm.
3. A student is sitting in the Main Office. What happened? Student picked up their lunch. Student was called down to get an award. Student caught pulling fire alarm.