Women in Computing @ Indiana University Getting the word out!
Let IU know we exist WIC T-Shirt $13
Central Indiana Celebration of Women in Computing Let Indiana know we exist Central Indiana Celebration of Women in Computing February 20-21, 2004 Canyon Inn McCormick’s Creek State Park Spencer, Indiana
Let Indiana know we exist Registration is only $15 Includes: registration housing food Register online (http://www.cs.indiana.edu/cicwic) Call for Panel due January 31, 2004 Chance to meet women in computer science from central Indiana (Purdue, Rose Hulman, Butler, and DePauw) Questions: 1. Do we need a WIC bus to CICWIC? 2. Who can create a research or project poster? We need IU representation!
Let the US know we exist
Let the US know we exist Keep checking http://www.gracehopper.org Panels, Workshops and Presentations: Deadline March 15, 2004 New Investigator Papers: PhD Forum: Deadline May 1, 2004 Technical Posters: Birds of a Feather Sessions (BOFs): Keep checking http://www.gracehopper.org for student scholarship applications!
Do something about the lack of women in CS! Spring 2004: Create Roadshow Program similar to CMU Spring/Fall 2004: Take the IU Roadshow on the Road
What is the Roadshow?
Can we do this? Interested Schools Interesting CS majors Funding Volunteers Pictures Organization Presentation
Can we do this? Interested Schools Interesting CS majors Funding Volunteers Pictures Organization Presentation
Can we do this? Interested Schools Interesting CS majors Funding Volunteers Pictures Organization Presentation
Can we do this? Interested Schools Interesting CS majors Funding Volunteers Pictures Organization Presentation WE NEED YOUR HELP! WE NEED YOUR IDEAS!