Chapter 3 section 4 Adding integers Agenda: Complete Bellringer: What does it mean for things to be opposite? State an example. Notes: 3-4 NO CALCULATORS! Homework page 123
Today I will learn to… Add integers with the same sign. Add integers with different signs. Simplify an expression with integers.
Add integers with the same sign. Example: 7+ 4 =_______ *Key Concept: The sum of two positive numbers is positive. Example: −7 + (−4) = ________ *Key Concept: The sum of two negative numbers is negative.
Integers flowchart
Your Turn… −14+(−16)= 23+38= −35+(−49)=
Vocabulary: Additive Inverse: The sum of any number and its additive inverse is 0. example:
Explore… -5 + 3 = ________
Add integers with different signs… Subtract the numbers and keep sign of the “bigger” number. Example: 7+(−1) Example: −8+4
Your Turn… 10+(−12) −16+9
Evaluate… Simplify 12+𝑥+(−20) 1+𝑦+(−5) 𝑍+(−2)+9
Practice Skills Practice
Today I have learned to… Add integers with the same sign. Add integers with different signs. Simplify an expression with integers.
Homework Page 122-123 # 9, 10, 11-25 odd, 27-41 odd