Cal-PASS Plus & RCAN January 28, 2016
AGENDA Introduction The Cal-PASS Plus system & our work Information available in the system Capabilities of the system Ways to use the data Who should join? Current Cal-PASS Plus members Get in touch
What is Cal-PASS Plus? Cal-PASS Plus is a partnership between San Joaquin Delta College and the non-profit Educational Results Partnership, with funding and leadership from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Ultimate goal: Using actionable data to improve outcomes for students along the education to workforce pipeline
A system of tools to support K-12s & Post-Secondary Institutions Scroll over the tab to see the drop down menus Common to both the Community College’s tab and the PK12 tabs you will see: Helpful Reports— has transition reports for K-12s and CC, as well as other reports specific to either K12s or CC, Member Lists, Join/Manage MOU, tabs for Uploading data and down loading data. Unique to the the K-12 tab are the Public Student Achievement Data reports, the Best Practices Framework, and the STEM dashboard and the Concurrent Student Enrollment Reports in Helpful reports. Unique to the Community College side are the CTE LaunchBoard, Foster Youth Dashboard, and the Athletics dashboard in Helpful Reports.
What do we do with the data? Identify “bright spots” Applies big data analytics to uncover bright spots to find out works We’re using modern analytics on that data to uncover what we call “bright spots” – or schools that are outperforming their demographic peers. If you have two schools with the same demographics, the same ethnic composition, the same poverty rates, but the students at one are outperforming the other, we want to find out why. What is that school doing differently? So ultimately we’re using data to focus and promote what practices are keeping students on the path to living wage jobs and stackable career ladders. We believe the use of data to uncover repeatable best practices can drive a cultural change in education. From a culture of compliance and accountability to one of educational productivity. we are not here to punish teachers or administrators, we are here to simply focus on success and not failure
What do we do with the data? Highlight Momentum Points Early Childhood Education Third Grade Literacy 8th Grade Math College Ready Coursework Non-Remedial Placement College Success Labor Market Alignment Momentum points in the education-to-workforce pipeline are key to student success Lack of alignment in the pipeline perpetuates these choke points We can and must eliminate the choke points in the system We use research and analytics to identify momentum points in the education-to-workforce pipeline that are critical to student success For instance, we’ve seen that if students are not proficient in 3rd Grade Reading we know that they will be catching up the rest of their academic career. So we see that lack of alignment in the pipeline perpetuates these choke points We can and must eliminate the choke-points in the system
Information available in the Cal-PASS Plus system Student transition data Remediation data Demographic data available for each report CTE data in LaunchBoard STEM data by county Career Pathways Trust tab in LaunchBoard Site and district level CASSSP data View current members by region or name Regional Learning Collaboratives (RLC) by region or by project
Capabilities of the system Academic & labor market data Easy to download and printable reports Automatically updated data CalPADs file based system NEEDS to be edited….
Ways to use the data Remediation data helps to inform PD opportunities by district or by county CAASPP data help faculty and staff identify PD opportunities by school site STEM data allows you to see enrollment and demographic data Support charter school authorizing and oversight Track LCFF goals and gauge growth for the next year CCPT tab in the LaunchBoard helps to facilitate thoughtful conversatons about CTE Pathways success Transition reports inform college readiness and college-going rate of graduates
Joining Cal-PASS Plus Click to Access Click to Download Something corrupted around the font…. We now have 2 ways to join Cal-PASS Plus. If you are an authorized signer; you may complete an online MOU complete with an electronic signature. Otherwise click on the “classic MOU” tab and download a copy of the MOU to print.
LEA MOU Data Alvord USD Yes 2014-15 Banning USD Expired 2009-10 Beaumont USD 2007-08 Corona-Norco USD Comeback Kids CS Desert Center USD Desert Sands Gateway CS Hemet Imagine Coachella Valley CS Jurpa USD Lake Elsinore USD Menifee USD Moreno Valley USD LEA MOU Data Murrieta Valley USD Yes 2013-14 Nuview USD Palm Springs USD 2014-15 Palo Verde USD Expired 2009-10 Perris ESD Perris UHSD Riverside County Ed Academy CS Riverside USD 2011-12 Romoland SD San Jacinto USD Temecula USD Temecula Valley CS Val Verde USD
We are going to segue into a live tour of the system…
Thank you for taking the time to listen to our presentation! Questions? Thank you for taking the time to listen to our presentation!
CONTACT US Email / Website EDUCATIONAL RESULTS PARTNERSHIP 2300 N Street, Suite 3 Sacramento, CA 95816 PHONE/WEB CONTACT (916) 498-8980