Lesson 27: “The Root -sta-”
Circumstance Part of speech: Noun Definition: A condition affecting someone or something Example: Considering the difficult circumstances she has had to work under, she has done a remarkable job.
Constitution Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Basic principles, usually written down, of a nation or an organization One’s general physical makeup or health Example: After the country gained its independence, it needed a constitution.
Destitute Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Very poor Example: The Great Depression of the1930s left many people destitute.
Institution Part of Speech: Noun Definition: An established organization or custom Example: A university is an institution of higher learning.
Obstacle Something that stands in the way Part of speech: Noun Definition: Something that stands in the way Example: The mountain bikers had to weave around rocks, branches, and other obstacles in the path.
Obstinate Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Stubborn Example: Despite his mother’s best efforts to persuade him, the obstinate child refused to eat any vegetables.
Stately Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Dignified; impressive; majestic Example: The long gown made Kim look stately and elegant.
Stationary Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Not moving; standing still Example: The squirrel remained completely stationary as it watched us with fearful curiosity.
Stature Part of Speech: Noun Definition: The natural height of a person or animal A high level of achievement Example: The stature of basketball players is generally above average.
Status Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Prestige, honor and social position Example: People listen to her opinion because of her high status in the community.
Lesson 27 Word List Constitution Stature Obstacle Status Destitute Circumstance Stately Institution Obstinate Stationary