Documenting The Great Depression By: Samantha Riepert, Anahita Kamali-Zarchi, Natasha Martire
The Great Depression Lasted from 1929 to 1939 Worst economic downturn in the history Happened after the stock market crashed in 1929 15 million Americans were unemployed leaving people with no income for their families
Why the project has significant impact on the society? Reproduces reality of that current time back in 1929 The only way people are able to make references and visualize that current time is through the photographs that were left and taken in the great depression Observing these photographs today, is a reminder of how careful we have to be when it comes to our economy, to prevent history from repeating itself. The horrifying feeling that these photographs emit create fear for todays society, so that we learn from our mistakes.
The Great Depression Photography FSA, a federal agency department set up a publicity department to help explain to the public through photographs and interviews what the Great Depression was about Photographs such as “Migrant Mother” captured by Dorothea Lange has become icons by which later generations have been able to sense what the Depression must have felt like living through . The picture consisted of two children hiding from the camera and their mother, whose face looks aged and worried as she stares into a distance. Her mind looks like its wandering as her and her children’s body language reveals their vulnerability. As the photos began to come back from the field, they were than worked on to get them published. Newspapers across the nation ran photographs from the FSA along with stories that talked about the conditions and problems they were facing Photographer: Dorothea Lange
What was the role of Migrant Mother photograph in the period or the great depression and what is it nowadays? The Great Depression Today -Photographs represent comfort and pain - One is able to look back and empathize with what Migrant Mother experienced -The clip called ‘Florence Thompson Interview’ you are able to hear Migrant Mother speak and you can hear her tone of voice and how much it negatively impacted her life -Migrant Mother represents strength and she copes with the current living conditions in society and her family - Nowadays, our mothers are just as strong when coping with current issues. We see our mothers as the backbone of the family. -Photographs captured Migrant Mother she looks preoccupied as if something is on her mind - With our busy schedules, it is difficult to focus only on one thing at a time. Especially when you are a mother, worrying about the rest of your family.
Did Dorothea Lange present the truth? Dorothea Lange presented the truth Her photos show the hard time the people living in the Great Depression faced Her photos consist of hungry children, families, the abandon roads, the unhealthy life style lead by the people, people trying to escape, people working in the fields and propaganda. Looking at Dorothea Lange’s photo’s one is able to understand and emphasize based on what she captured on film.
Did Migrant Mother like the photographs Did Migrant Mother like the photographs? Was she happy about them and the message they send to the world? Was her family happy with the photographs and how they were presented to the world? Migrant mother did not appreciate the photo’s being taken and was ashamed. Accepting the circumstances she was put in being a widow with 5 children, we believe that that’s the last thing that should have been done. In the video clip it shows a photo taken as she holds her new born baby after her husband had died. In this state of mind, Migrant Mother was grieving over the death of her husband as a photo was taken. The clip called ‘Florence Thompson Interview’ you are able to hear Migrant Mother speak and you can hear her tone of voice and how much it negatively impacted her life.
References ter_14.html