WFD-Data model WasserBLIcK concept COM approach W. Kappler, ahu AG Workshop: Experience with "WasserBLIcK" and interesting aspects in the context of WISE Brussels, 15.-16.February 2005 p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
schedule data specifications in context of WFD - German perspective 1 2 2000 WFD data requirements 2005 Reporting guidance Reporting sheets -> new requirements diff? 2002 GIS Guidance v1 specification of data demands 2005 GIS Guidance v2 Revised specifications diff? 2003 WasserBLIcK templates v1 Implement. of the GIS-Guidance specs. 2005 WasserBLIcK templates v2 Revised implementation 2004 Template filling v1 data collection and dissemination 2005 Template filling v2 Revised collection and reporting 2005 Reporting Art. V data freezing p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
Process of template development requirements GIS-Guidance v1 requirements administrative requirements technical / (eco)logical requirements developing additional templates for emissions and impacts (e.g. point sources) WFD-codelist for reporting entities (water bodies, areas etc) GIS-Guidance conformal templates products p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
why do we need co-ordinated, reliable data specifications? WFD specifications affect all different working levels EU-COM different RBD, WA, countries, local authorities and actors RBD basis for a quasi-standard in water management (object catalogue/model, codes etc.) Working areas far-ranging effects on data management in all water managing institutions countries, local authorities & actors not only a reporting convention, but basis for investments p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt
comparison aspects: WB templates COM sheets topics - content (SW, GW, Pressures, Impacts, Protected Areas etc.) attribute data - content codes, domains (list of attribut values) geometric feature classes (point, line, polygon) granularity / resolution (river segment < river water body < river) p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
List of Reporting sheets WasserBLIcK templates WasserBLIcK templates (geometry) SWB 1-4 (charact., typol.) SWPI 2 (SWB at risk) SWPI 7 (impact) RiverSegment (l) LakeSegment (a) TransitionalWaters (a) CoastalWaters (a) GWB 1 (charact. GWB) GWPI 2 (GWB at risk) GroundwaterBody (a) SWPI 3 (point sources) SurfaceWaterEmission (p) ++GG ChemicalParameters (d) ++GG SWPI 4 (diffuse sources) GWPI 3 (diffuse sources) DiffuseEmissionArea (a) ++GG ChemicalParaDiffuse (d) ++GG SWPI 5 (abstractions) GWPI 5-6 (abstraction & recharge) WaterLevelAlteration (p) ++GG SWPI 6 (regulation & morphology) MorphologicalImpact (p) ++GG RPA 1 (Protected Areas) PA Bird (a), PA Drinking (a,p), PA Economic Species (l, a), PA Habitat (a), PA Nutrient (l), PA Recreational (p,a) Legend Charact. SW GW Pressures/impact SW GW Protected Areas (p) Point (l) Line (a) Area/Polygon (d) Data ++GG Additional compared to GIS-Guidance p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
missing counterparts Reporting sheets WasserBLIcK-templates GWPI 4, 7 (point sources, saltwater intrusions) No template (no need in Germany?) SWPI 1, 8, 9 (summary, gaps, recommand.) GWPI 1, 8, 9,10,11 (summary, impact, further characterisation, gaps, recommand.) ECON 1 (economic analysis) CONC 1 (conclusions) No templates (only summary text) No sheets (only “mapping geodata”) CompetentAuthority RiverBasin WorkingArea No sheets?? GroundwaterMonitoringStation LakewaterMonitoringStation RiverWaterMonitoringStation TransitionalWaterMonitoringStation p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
example SWB 1+2 SurfaceWater-templates Sheet Code No. Reporting Sheet Title GIS DAT TEX Equivalent WB-template Relevant attributes Comparison results SWB 1 1 Typology of surface water bodies X RiverSegment (line) LakeSegment (poly) TransitionalWaters (poly) CoastalWaters (poly) TypeCode TypeName CharacterType all data implemented statistics have to be created externally summary text for RBD to be added SWB 2 2 Identification of surface water bodies X RiverSegment (line) LakeSegment (poly) TransitionalWaters (poly) CoastalWaters (poly) EuropeanCode MemberStateCode Name TypeCode X_Coordinate Y_Coordinate SizeTypology most data implemented except centroid (X, Y) and total length fro rivers and transitional waters; scale of size calculation statistics have to be created externally summary text for RBD to be added Methods/criteria are not harmonised on international RBD-level p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
more examples sheets templates Sheet Code No. Reporting Sheet Title GIS DAT TEX Equivalent WB-template Relevant attributes Comparison results GWB 1 5 Identification and initial characterisation of groundwater bodies X GroundwaterBody (poly) EuropeanCode MemberState-Code Name Most data implemented except centroid (X, Y) and the optional capacity m³ Statistics have to be created externally Summary text for RBD to be added SWPI 2 7 Identification of surface water bodies at risk X RiverSegment (line) LakeSegment (poly) TransitionalWaters (poly) CoastalWaters (poly) RISK_CHEM RISK_ECST RISK_ECPO RISK_DATE Most data implemented but: risk assessment for quantitative status is new (not provided in GIS-Guidance); relationship to main pressures was planned for 2009 Summary text for RBD to be added p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
conclusions of comparison: differences / conformities data requirements differ between Report Sheets and GIS-Guidance/WasserBLIcK-templates in general: reporting sheets are less detailed than WB-templates partly missing data in WasserBLIcK-templates especially data combined approach are requested earlier than implemented in WaserBLIcK WasserBLiCK-templates are already technically implemented on a high level (in accord. GIS-Guidance) demanded international harmonised methods and criteria not fulfilled in any aspects at this stage of implementation p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
Questions to be answered codes: international co-ordination, certification? definite reporting guidance GIS-specifications (geometry and attributes) how is the summary text to be reported? (database, areas,...) how have elements of reporting sheets to be delivered? (especially text) ... how can COM-definitions profit from WasserBLIcK experiences reducing work and investment risk p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
W. Kappler, ahu AG Transition from short term solutions to long term solutions for reporting data management W. Kappler, ahu AG p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
Reporting 1. Phase bis März 2005 Wasserrahmenrichtlinie SCG: CIS Strategy WHG LWG LAWA-Arbeitshilfe Länder-Leitfäden WGs: fachl. Guidances WasserBLIcK (Schablonen) analoge Bericht-erstellung WG GIS: GIS Guidance 1 BMU LAWA EU-Berichterstattung p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt
Reporting Szenario 2. Phase ab März 2005 Wasserrahmenrichtlinie SCG: Strategic Docs WHG LWG SZENARIO LAWA-Arbeitshilfe Länder-Leitfäden WGs: fachl. Guidances WG D: Reporting Guidance WasserBLIcK templates digitale Berichterstellung GIS Experts: GIS Guidance 2 reporting sheets BMU LAWA EU-Berichterstattung WISE p:/lawait/multimed/present/workshopbrussels050216_wk.ppt s:\AK\AK-nachweise\ahu_info_folien.ppt