ACA The Story so far Founded on 1 October 2005 An interim committee was formed in 2005 when individuals from various churhces came together to lay the foundation for this organisation.
ACA Churches participating include: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic (UK) Beulah Apostolic Church Bibleway Church Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
ACA Restoration Revival Fellowship Light City Church Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
ACA The purpose of starting ACA: Ensure that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is spread through various medium Share strategies on winning souls to Christ Bring together Apostolic Churches to promote a shared vision Make the Apostolic Churches more visible in the community
ACA Develop the capacity of churches and enable them to access a wide range of facilities including: educational, property, financial, health and employment The development of social, political, economic and religious strata of communities.
ACA Achievements Since 2005, the interim board has held …meetings to develop the basic foundations for ACA in Birmingham, Ipswich, Luton and London Meetings have been held with various church leaders to talk about the vision for establishing ACA A national meeting was organised on 12 December 2007 at the Bethel Convention Centre. At this meeting, over 250 leaders and officers were in attendance.
ACA (iv) ACA was formally launched on 15 November 2008 (v) A national directory was published in November 2008 (vi) Donations have been made to a school in Hanover, Jamaica (vii) support including labour and finance have been given to a local church
ACA (viii) Most areas in the first strategic plan covering (2007 – 2008) have been completed (ix) Partnership work with other Apostolic churches abroad are at the early stage of development. For example, links have been made with churches in Canada, Jamaica and the USA.
ACA (x) A draft ACA magazine, the first Apostolic nationally available magazine in the UK is ready for publication (xi) A DVD outlining the formation of ACA is available (xii) Systems and procedures have been set to ensure that ACA is fully recognised and established (xiii) ACA has a website
ACA what are the next steps? Having established the foundations for future development, we now need to consider… (i) identifying priorities for the future. This will include a strategic plan for the next 3 or more years (ii) eliciting and engaging the support of more Apostolic churches (iii) consolidating the interim board and ensuring that there is a full committee that is passionate and committed to developing the mission statement and aims of ACA (iv) a clear budget plan in line with the strategic plan (v) succession planning and sustainability (vi) how to be more proactive rather than reactive (vii) how best to use the skills and talents of committee members and supporters who wish to help develop the vision for ACA.