Sustainability at Aalto University Actions in 2016 and goals and action plan for 2017
Aalto strategy: Learning goals Learning and education: Sustainability as cross-cutting theme Aalto strategy: “Our vision carries a strong commitment to building a sustainable society driven by innovation and entrepreneurship” Practices Content Excellence Multidisciplinarity Entrepreneurship Societal impact Research: Solving global challenges with sustainable research Outcomes Practices Aalto organisation: Sustainable services and campus Services Campus
Sustainability actions in 2016 To integrate responsibility and sustainable development into all teaching and learning Survey on Bachelor’s Degree programmes’ aims – good situation, sustainability included Support materials from TEK and Sitra made available for teachers Aalto-wide Bachelor/Master level course in process to be piloted in May 2017 Teachers’ breakfast organized 3 times for exchange of experiences/ an average of 20 participants To integrate responsibility and sustainability to research: content and practices Sustainability as one key theme in profiling application to FA Knowledge on Aalto’s research on sustainability improved via new web pages and reporting – stream of news and examples To integrate responsibility and sustainability to Aalto’s own organisational practices ISCN report published in three languages in April 2016 Space reduction and energy efficiency improvements made in campus development To reduce food waste new apps and processes developed and piloted New web pages and sustainability info for new students updated and presented in welcome lectures and fairs Instructions on sustainability with stakeholders created; to be integrated into “code of conduct” Reduction of amount of IT service centres in IT services Specific activities (IDBM project and seminar) with refugees
Goals and action plan 2017 To integrate responsibility and sustainable development into all teaching and learning Survey on Master’s Degree programs’ goals Study how Bachelor’s Degree programs are implementing sustainability goals Aalto-wide Bachelor/Master level course to be piloted in May 2017, to be part of curriculum – analysis Teachers’ breakfast continued – map and share different competences Workshop with students on sustainability thesis work Improve follow-up measurements on sustainability goals in degree programs To integrate responsibility and sustainability to research: content and practices Build researcher community around multidisciplinary sustainability research and catalyse multidisciplinary research Identify current topics and future trends on sustainability within Aalto Visibility and internal and external awareness; Sustainability Research Day of Aalto Create easy access for piloting - campus as living lab/test bed
Goals and action plan 2017 To integrate responsibility and sustainability into Aalto’s own organisational practices ISCN report published in three languages in April 2017 Raising internal awareness via code of conduct learning materials and Inside update Circular economy in Aalto Campus development; e.g. space reduction and energy efficiency improvement continued Food waste reduction continued Recycling of furniture and office materials; usage of Sharetribe in Aalto Building visibility and awareness Sustainability Research Day Search by theme: sustainability to Aalto events (pilot in Aalto Festival) and open lectures Service-specific goals HR: Early intervention – to be strengthened IT services: Reduction of the number of server rooms / small data centers continues Investments: Identification of responsible investment products RIS: Reduction of paper usage Library: Building a sense of community – usage of spaces