Coming to BHS Class of 2021
Objectives for Tonight’s Session Review Graduation Requirements Prepare for 9th grade scheduling
Our Goal at BHS: Our goal is that every student graduates …AND is prepared to continue to post-secondary training OR has the skills/certifications needed to obtain a high-paying job upon graduation
What is required to graduate? Take specific courses Earn specific industry certifications* Earn at least 23.0 course credits Pass 3 EOC exams
Two diploma options Jump Start TOPS Tech Career diploma: 2 year college, technical/trade school, military, or employment TOPS University diploma: 4 year college/university Everyone takes similar courses in 9th and 10th grade At the end of 10th grade, students will select a diploma option which will determine 11th and 12th grade courses
Jump Start TOPS Tech Career Diploma Prepares students for community college, trade/technical school, military, or employment Focus is on getting career ready with specific skills/training Requires certain electives and certification courses Students WILL NOT GRADUATE without earning the REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS for the chosen career area 23.0 credits: 4 English, 4 Math, 2 Science, 2 Social Studies, 2 Health/PE, & 9 career electives
TOPS University Diploma Prepares students for 4 year college/university Focus is on completing rigorous academic courses 24.0 credits: 4 English, 4 Math, 4 Science, 4 Social Studies, 2 Foreign Languages, 1 Art, 2 Health/PE, and 3 electives
Scheduling for Freshman year! We are not scheduling today, but you can start planning for next year’s courses today Initial schedule selections will be made on Transition Day (April 13th). Students will work with us to complete their Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) on that day The counselors will come to BMS on April 24th-25th to sit individually with your child and schedule his/her courses for 9th grade
Typical Freshman Schedule English I Algebra I *Students currently taking Algebra I will take Geometry next year Physical Science World Geography PE (or Sports Conditioning for BHS athletes, Cheer, or Dance team) Career Awareness IBCA or other Elective
Scheduling Variations We consider each student’s prior grades and test scores, as well as teacher input, to place students in the courses we feel he/she will be most successful For example, students advanced in math and science may be placed in Biology Honors instead of Physical Science In another example, a student needing extra support in English may be placed in a Reading elective to help strengthen their skills
Honors courses Honors classes are on a 10 point grading scale Honors classes move faster and go more in-depth than standard classes. Be sure you are ready and willing to handle the extra work and effort that will be required. Ability + Effort = Success Honors classes are on a 10 point grading scale Prepare students for advanced level courses in the future, such as AP and dual enrollment We encourage you to take the most rigorous level course you can handle. Taking honors/AP classes has been linked to higher ACT scores
Freshman Electives Most freshmen will take PE, Career Awareness, and IBCA or another career elective Dance team, Cheer, and Sports Conditioning can be taken in place of PE for students participating on a BHS team Students do not typically take a foreign language in 9th grade. Most students will begin foreign language in 10th or 11th grade if they are on the TOPS University track
BHS Career Academies Our electives are grouped into 4 academies: Health & Human Services, Craft Construction Trades, Business/Information Technology, and STEM For now, choose a career academy that interests you. All 9th graders will schedule similar core courses, but your academy interest will help determine your elective options
HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: First Responder* Nutrition & Food Health Science Home Ec BUSINESS/ INFO TECHNOLOGY IBCA or BCA* Principles of Business* Entrepreneurship Digital Media CRAFT CONSTRUCTION First Responder* NCCER Core (Workplace Safety) Carpentry/ Electrical/ Welding STEM Intro to Engineering * Principles of Engineering AP Computer Science ***The following courses are considered universal and fit in all Academies: IBCA, BCA, Speech, Principles of Business, Personal Finance, & First Responder Other electives include: Band, Talented Art, and Fine Arts Survey