Thesis The Self-Strengthening movement in China and the Meiji Restoration in Japan both resulted in major changes for their respective countries. However,


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Presentation transcript:

Comparing and Contrasting the Self Strengthening Movement and Meiji Restoration

Thesis The Self-Strengthening movement in China and the Meiji Restoration in Japan both resulted in major changes for their respective countries. However, there are some major differences and very few similarities. The Self-Strengthening movement was based around Confucian believes while in Japan the concept “rich country strong army” was followed.

Similarities Strong belief in Confucianism. Both believed in the name of the Emperor, he was the ruler of the country. Western intervention both in China and Japan. Both wanted stronger military base. Both built up strong armies based on Western influence.

Similarities Both opened up factories for production of weapons and other military equipment. Both changed tax systems- land tax, and lowered taxes. Western influence on education in both countries.

Differences Japan was able to learn from China’s mistakes, huge advantage. China was damaged and disheartened by Civil Wars and Rebellions prior to the reform, Japan’s Civil War had only lasted three weeks. China had to deal with issue of Opium Wars, and unequal treaties, Japan never had this kind of problem. In Japan, reform was led by the government, in the name of the Emperor, following ancient tradition. In China, the government did not lead the reform. Japan’s thought was strong army, strong nation. Government in China did not promote economic growth/development, unlike government in Japan.

Differences Japan was more influenced by and open to Western ideas and military techniques, while China still claimed to be self-sufficient, restricting policy of ziqiang, made it impossible to adopt effective Western ideas the way Japan did. Therefore China still considered ‘backward’ to the rest of the world, while Japan was moving ‘forward’ at a fast pace. Japan open to change while China was stubborn. Military leaders in Japan (eg.Yamagato, Takamuri) were fighting for their nation, their country, while leaders in China, (Zeng Guofan, Li Hong Zhang) were motivated by personal gain

Differences Economical situations in each country were very different: -Could be said to be China’s greatest weakness. Due to ‘backward’ lifestyle, China depended on farmers and agriculture, for financial needs -On the other hand, the rise and growth of the merchant class in Japan led to financers who were willing to invest in military training, equipment, new infrastructure, etc.

Conclusion Japan emerged dominant, building up military, economy, policital and social aspects: whole nation. Were more open to Western influence, ended up being a huge advantage, as well as rise of merchant class. China viewed as weaker power, economy did not develop as successfully, were stubborn and continued to be self-sufficient, resulting in backward lifestyle, were not as open to Western influence, greatly affected self-strengthening movement.