Progress report since june 2010 muon subgroup meeting Progress report since june 2010 occupancy in the first layers of the muon system – preliminary results prototype test preparation MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 Simulation Layout MDT layer 0 EMC support Additional space required for EMC support in june 2010 Il supporto è il disco giallo MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 2
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 Questions opened by space requirements Is the (elm) background manageable at the MDT layer 0? How much the layer 0 improves the PID? Layer 0 is the double MDT layer just before the iron yoke and the Endcap (2x3 cm width) I 3 cm di alluminio sono stati introdotti per simulare la struttura di supporto del calorimetro nella direzione forward (guardare la mail inviata con la presentazione). Il disegno del supporto che mi ha dato Stefano è molto semplice: per avere una prima approssimazione, in attesa dei disegni ufficiali, ha una forma circolare come anche il buco lungo la linea di fascio. I momenti del fascio sono rispettivamente per la formazione di J/psi e per il Drell-Yan I tagli in momento potrebbero ridurre l’occupancy di parecchio MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 3
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 The Simulation Layout DPM generator 104 events produced P beam 4 and 15 GeV/c elastic + inelastic reactions 3 cm Al at the Endcap to simulate EMC support No diffractive events No cut on particle momenta Occupancy contribution by different particles Layer 0 and layer 1 divided in sense cells 1x1 cm2 Single cell multiplicity evaluated per each event No scaling to realistic event rate MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Occupancy per particle flavor @15 GeV/c MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Occupancy per particle flavor @15 GeV/c Barrel End Cap e 1153 9884 p 349 4960 321 2001 m 44 428 k 5 (104 events) Protons from elastic events & pion induced reactions Protons do not scale with pions MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Occupancy at layer 0 (104 events) for different pbeam Barrel EndCap Total 4 GeV/c 1175 8697 9862 15 GeV/c 1687 15718 17365 MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Integrated occupancy for the 8 barrel sectors @4 GeV/c Counts per MDT (1 cm) @15 GeV/c Counts per strip (1 cm) MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Integrated occupancy for the End Cap @4 GeV/c Counts per MDT (1 cm) @15 GeV/c Counts per strip (1 cm) MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 Conclusions Study on mu-det occupancy started Hit multiplicity per event seems under control Momentum cut has to be included Further studies for EndCap are needed with full DPM generator Crosscheck with warnings by Pythia generator MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 Dubna report The RS Prototype mechanical structure is close to final welding (absorber plates with support frames) The fiberglass boards for production of strip boards (24 pieces, 1 m by 1 m size) are obtained. Cutting of strips is in preparation MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
Dubna status report on electronic units production PCBs (cards/%) assembly/ welding tests ADB-32 72/100% ready A-32 80/100% 4/5% ASum-96 30/100% 6/20% QTC-16 3/100% 2/66% A2DB-32 prepaid MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010
PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010 Dubna software report The work is finalized to studies of dimuon acceptance 10 M events for DY and J/psi muon pairs generated in Pythia Acceptance studies with PANDAroot in progress Solenoid material included in the frame of magnet yoke for studies on dimuon acceptance MP Bussa PANDA wwek - KVI september 2010