Spanish Week 2: Day 1 Roll call: Answer by telling me your favorite Mexican Food! Review (Translate): See you later, How are you?, What’s up?
Los Números en Español
Cancion de los numeros!
Del 0 al 10 0 = cero 1 = uno 2 = dos 3 = tres 4 = cuatro 5 = cinco 6 = seis 7 = siete 8 = ocho 9 = nueve 10 = diez
I will call out numbers randomly and a student will come up and point I will call out numbers randomly and a student will come up and point. I will also point to them randomly and the students will say them.
Del 11 al 19 11 = once 12 = doce 13 = trece 14 = catorce 15 = quince 16 = dieciseis 17 = diecisiete 18 = dieciocho 19 = diecinueve 20 = veinte
Actividad en el libro La Pagina 7 Numero 8
You will be with a partner En Grupos You will be with a partner *Tell you partner the following in Spanish. Your partner will write the answer in numerals (not words). Then check your partners work.* *Now switch!* Your phone number. The bar code on the back of your Spanish book. Your house or apt. number. Number of minutes it takes you to get from home to school. Number of months until your birthday.
Del 0 al 100 0-19 20 = veinte 30 = treinta 40 = cuarenta 50 = cincuenta 60 = sesenta 70 = setenta 80 = ochenta 90 = noventa 100 = cien
Exit Ticket Each of you will have a number card. I will call out a number and you will bring it to me…you will line up outside.
Del 20 al 99 Trick Ejemplo 21-29 veinti + número veintidos 31-39 treinta y + número treinta y tres 41-49 cuarenta y + número cuarenta y seis 91-99 noventa y + número noventa y nueve Notice: the numbers that only form one word are…
Cancion de los numeros!
Spanish Week 2: Day 2 Roll call: Answer by telling me any number you learned! Review (Translate): Write your numbers 1-15 without your notes!
Let’s Review Round Robin
Recuerda!!! Los números del 0 al 99 are very important because they make part of all the other numbers that follow…
100, 200, 300, 400, …, 900 To learn the numbers from 100- 999, we must first learn the ones ending in two CEROS. Like which ones???
200, 300, 400, …, 900 200 = doscientos 300 = trescientos 400 = cuatrocientos 500 = quinientos 600 = seiscientos 700 = setecientos 800 = ochocientos 900 = novecientos Trick: Number + cientos Be careful with these because they are exceptions!!!
101 al 199 The numbers from 101 to 199 start with Ciento 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 9 9 ciento uno ciento doce ciento noventa y nueve Trick: Ciento + Number
200 al 999 Numbers from 201 to 999 are very easy: 200 doscientos 201 doscientos uno 300 trescientos 304 trescientos cuatro 400 cuatrocientos 415 cuatrocientos quince 500 quinientos 520 quinientos veinte novecientos Novecientos noventa y nueve 900 999 Trick???
Addition/Subtraction Tres mas Dos Cuatro menos uno Veinte menos diez Siete mas uno Cuatro mas nueve Seis mas once Veintiseis menos catorce Cinco Tres Diez Ocho Trece Diecisiete Doce
DIGITALDIALECTS.COM Phrases/Greetings Numbers
Create your own math problem with an answer all in words. Exit Ticket Create your own math problem with an answer all in words. Ejemplo: Dos mas Dos = Cuatro