Assignment BLOM Proposals efficient Enforcement on matters of supra provincial interest Coherence and co-operation in Enforcement Enforcebility regulation Joint prioritisation Co-ordination of activities and reports
Asked and unasked advise for involved parties (organisations) Harmonize policy and priorities Operational co-operation Enforcebility, practicability and fraud resistance of Regulations Other subjects concerning Enforcement
National Platform Environmental Enforcement (ALOM) National Platform Environmental Enforcement (BLOM) Administrative level meets 2 times a year Steering / making choices Chairman: State Secretary for Min. VROM National Platform Environmental Enforcement (ALOM) Civil servant level meets 5 times a year preparation and translation BLOM
Participants platform VROM-Inspection Inspectorate VW (min. of Transport Public Works and Water management) General Inspectorate LNV (min. of Agriculture, Nature management and Fisheries) Public Prosecution Service / Ministry of Justice National Inspectorate for Mining Council of Chief Commissioners Police Inter provincial Platform Union for Dutch Municipalities Union of Water boards
Main objectives Enforcement Programming Professionalization of Enforcement Co-operation between: “Colour streams” Partners Administrative and Criminal justice
Projects National Enforcement programme Information Exchange Core conditions BOA’s Professionalization track
National Enforcement programme 2005 Chains and co-operation is central Other tone and other structure Continuation of old programme subjects Partners setup own planning and own priorities
New subjects Key companies in waste chain Asbestos problem Animal disposals (oil, grease) Fire works
Approach of new subjects Analysing 4 subjects (problem sided) Determine critical moments in chain Choose effective ways of influence Support execution by intervention strategy
Projects National Enforcement programme Information exchange Core conditions BOA’s Professionalization track
Information Exchange Operational Management and Administration
No central database Use solutions close at home No double submission of data e.d. Optimal dissemination from both sides Connection to “Different Authority” Focal point thoughts
Projects National Enforcement programme Information exchange Core conditions BOA’s Professionalization track
Core conditions National Strategy Environmental Enforcement Some targets National wide approach for the enforcement of Core conditions Clarity for legal subjects
Projects National Enforcement programme Information exchange Core conditions BOA’s Professionalization track
Professionalization of the BOA’s Vision op de task and role of the BOA’s Agreement on steering Agreement between employers and Justice Knowledge and skills tuned to task area
BOA’s are indispensable Are both in the Administrative and the Criminal worlds Are an important link between supervision and criminal investigations Contribute to the balance between administrative and criminal sanctions
Projects National Enforcement programme Information exchange Core conditions BOA’s Professionalization track
The 4 main tracks Administration Public Prosecution Service Police BOA’s
Coherence in Professionalization Everyone is working on the organisation, quality by the means of knowledge and skills Focussed on co-operation Complex problems can only be solved by co-operation
Success factors Culture of co-operation Problem (solving) focussed approach Successes are from us all From task focussed approach (competences) to problem focussed approach
Final LOM-Secretariat is an open organisation: Ideas, suggestions are always welcome Always available for feedback and brainstorming Supports the support between the partners Putting the solution central
@ Koningskade 40 2596 AA Den Haag T 070 35 19 705 F 070 35 19 707 @