Hymn 206 Jesus, Jehovah, Lord.


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Presentation transcript:

Hymn 206 Jesus, Jehovah, Lord

1 Jesus, Jehovah, Lord, now spread your truth abroad from shore to shore; scatter the clouds of night, open our mental sight, bless us with heavenly light for evermore.

2 Stretch out your mighty hand; in this and every land evil subdue; satan’s dominion end, ever your church defend, O Lord, our God and friend, gracious and true.

3 Your mighty power we sing, blessed eternal king by heaven adored; nations your truth shall see, subject the world shall be unto your majesty, Jesus our Lord.

From the New Church Conference 1823 Hymn Book 4 Rise, O Jerusalem, bring forth the diadem, crown him and sing; his sovereign power make known, hail him who rules alone on heaven’s eternal throne: Jesus the King. From the New Church Conference 1823 Hymn Book