Welcome to session 2 6PC012 Working in the post-compulsory sector Julie Hughes j.hughes2@wlv.ac.uk
Learning outcomes Undertake small and large group activities to support group building and affinity groupings; Start to explore the concept of subject specific pedagogy; Begin to identify different curriculum approaches and contexts in the lifelong learning sector.
Ice breakers Name badge Ground rules What do we want our class/our learning to be like? Activity 1: in fours/fives consider - what made me want to teach my subject? a learning high and a learning low within my subject specialism and explore what made it a high/low; nominate a spokesperson to introduce the group members and share your conversation. (10 - 15 minutes)
Some conceptions of the Curriculum Curriculum as Product Curriculum as Knowledge Curriculum as Praxis Curriculum as Process
Curriculum as Product Education is seen as a technical exercise in a productive form; Objectives are set and outcomes (products) measured; Often related to the vocational curriculum and concerned with competencies. Curriculum as Process Education is an active process; Focus on means rather than the ends, and the journey that students take; Emphasis on meaning making, based on conversations between people, ability to think critically and action. Curriculum as Knowledge Curriculum is a body of knowledge-content and/or subjects; Content is transmitted or 'delivered' to students; Focus on the 'order of contents‘ based on syllabus. Curriculum as Praxis Critical pedagogy with emphasis on emancipation, social change and social justice; Explicit commitment to collective human well-being; Exploration of how attitudes/values are constituted e.g. different cultural or racial groups in society.
Tribes & territories? Trowler
Sir Ken Robinson
Back to curriculum models We have at least 3 curricula that operate simultaneously. The student brings with them their lived curriculum, that is the product of all their learning to date. In the classroom they engage in the delivered curriculum, which is the planned curriculum, outlines by syllabi, supported by materials and activities, and so on. The delivered curriculum, however, is experienced quite differently by different students; it is the experienced curriculum. (Yancey 1998, p.18) How might this impact on you as a teacher?
Exploring and applying to the reading In 4 groups consider and discuss the reflective tasks (A-D) taken from the Jephcote & Salisbury and Stevenson (2012 forthcoming) articles; Following our conversations today what are the issues and implications for you as new teachers? (15 minutes) Prepare feedback and nominate a spokesperson
Why consider subject specific pedagogy? Scholarship, enquiry and new knowledge If teaching is to be seen as a form of scholarship, then the practice of teaching must be seen as giving rise to new knowledge (Schon 1995, p. 31). Politics and practice? Freire (1970, 1998b) it seems fundamental to me to clarify at the beginning that a neutral, uncommitted and apolitical education practice does not exist (p39). Myths of custom and practice? Because that’s how Law is taught …
Rounding up ....