Ice Breakers And Introductions
The First Day is essential to the success of the Class Preparation, Preparation, Preparation
Ice Breakers: Instead of asking participants to say their names, the trainer can divide the group into pairs and give participants a few minutes to interview each other - then each participant should introduce their partners by name and share at least two unique characteristics about them. But what happens if you get a shy person in the group? Maybe you don’t have an even number? Some people may be embarrassed to speak up!
Ball toss: mums sit in a circle toss a ball to each one – on catching each one shouts there name… then get them to throw it to each other – on throwing they should the other persons name!
Toilet Tissue: pass round a roll of toilet tissue and ask each person to take some. Then ask each one to count the sheets they have, depending on the amount of sheets to say something about themselves for each piece.
Ideas? What would you use as an Icebreaker? Class discussion on what would work what wouldn’t !