Defining Student Success in WIOA Series Webinar 9 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- MODELS Defining Student Success in WIOA Anson Green Director Adult Education and Literacy Texas Workforce Commission June 3, 2016 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Resources KEY GUIDANCE January 11, 2016, OCTAE released Program Memorandum 15-7 on Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to clarify statutory provisions related to the expanded use of IELCE in WIOA. memo-15-7-ielce.pdf February 3, 2016: WIOA Roadshow Part 2: Integrated English Literacy Civics Education –Anson Green, TWC Adult Education and Literacy: http://www- AEL Letter 02-16 twc.pdf March 24, 2016: Serving English Language Learners under AEFLA. OCTAE: learners-under-aefla.pdf Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Summary: WIA vs WIOA. Review from Feb 3 webinar Integrated English Literacy Civics Education is a dramatic departure Different and expanded activities Need for different ELL populations But, two models exist under the law One is required A review of the law itself, and the definitions, programs and activities, will clarify what grantees must implement in July 1 and when the program must include a workforce training component and when it can be implemented without training, as it historically has. This difference is critical to your program planning, identification of suitable instructors, costs, program outreach and alignments with the Workforce Solutions system. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
In TEAMS Integrated English Literacy Civics Education is be labeled: “IET (EL Civics) ” Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Who is eligible? Individuals who otherwise meet the definition of “eligible individual” and are English language learners, including professionals with degrees and credentials obtained in their native countries. §463.75 of the WIOA Draft Rules Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Goal in WIOA (c) GOAL.—Each program that receives funding under this section shall be designed to— (1) prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; and (2) integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Goal in WIOA (c) GOAL.—Each program that receives funding under this section shall be designed to— (1) prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; and (2) integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Goal in WIOA (c) GOAL.—Each program that receives funding under this section shall be designed to— (1) prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; and (2) integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
WIOA Section 231 and 243 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
WIOA Section 231 and 243 Bottom line: Understanding the two sections, and associated funding, is critical. Bottom line: IEL/CE can be funded through both section 231 and 243 funds If funded with Section 243 funds though, it must be integrated with Integrated Education and Training See the February 3, 2016Webinar: Integrated English Literacy Civics Education. Let’s do some policy detective work and review the law in light of the OCTAE memo. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Section 243 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education SEC. 243. INTEGRATED ENGLISH LITERACY AND CIVICS EDUCATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—From funds made available under section 211(a)(2) for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall award grants to States, from allotments under subsection (b), for integrated English literacy and civics education, in combination with integrated education and training activities. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Section 243 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education SEC. 243. INTEGRATED ENGLISH LITERACY AND CIVICS EDUCATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—From funds made available under section 211(a)(2) for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall award grants to States, from allotments under subsection (b), for integrated English literacy and civics education, in combination with integrated education and training activities. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Section 243 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education SEC. 243. INTEGRATED ENGLISH LITERACY AND CIVICS EDUCATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—From funds made available under section 211(a)(2) for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall award grants to States, from allotments under subsection (b), for integrated English literacy and civics education, in combination with integrated education and training activities. When funded with Civics funding under Section 243, all Integrated English Literacy Civics Education programs must Include Incorporate Integrated Education and Training in their program designs Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
From the Draft WIOA Rules §463.74 How do providers meet the requirement to provide Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program services in combination with integrated education and training? Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Two Approaches Integrated Education and Training ELA / Civics Integrated Education and Training Approach 1: Co-enrolling students in IET ELA /Civics Integrated Education and Training Approach 2: Integrating IET within IET-EL Civics Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Two Approaches This program could have both IET-EL Civics and standard IET students combined. Each groups may get different contextualized instruction (ELA and ABE/ASE). ELA / Civics Integrated Education and Training Approach 1: Co-enrolling students in IET ELA /Civics Integrated Education and Training Approach 2: Integrating IET within IET-EL Civics Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Review of IET Now let’s turn to a legislative history. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Training Resources KEY GUIDANCE March 3, 2016 WIOA Webinar - Integrated Education and Training #1 - Defining Student Success in WIOA - presented by Anson Green, TWC Adult Education and Literacy March 31, 2016 WIOA Webinar Integrated Education and Training 2: Reporting Integrated Education and Training Activities April 21, 2016 WIOA Webinar Integrated Education and Training 3: Defining Student Success in WIOA Located at: Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 1 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 2 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 3 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined4 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 5 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 6 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
IET Defined 7 Integrated Education and Training— means a service approach that provides AEL activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement. Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
2) Workforce Preparation Activities Generic IET model 1) Contextualized AEL 2) Workforce Preparation Activities 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Generic IET model 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Generic IET model Definition of “concurrent” to be determined in WIOA final rule. 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
What is “workforce training”? 2 Section WIOA, 134(c)(3)(D) Occupational skills training On-the-job training Incumbent worker training Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction Training programs operated by the private sector Skills upgrading and retraining Entrepreneurial training Transitional jobs Job readiness training provided in combination with services described above Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
What is “workforce training”? 2 Section WIOA, 134(c)(3)(D) Occupational skills training On-the-job training Incumbent worker training Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction Training programs operated by the private sector Skills upgrading and retraining Entrepreneurial training Transitional jobs Job readiness training provided in combination with services described above Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
What are workforce preparation activities? 2 From WIOA Definitions: “…activities, programs, or services designed to help an individual acquire a combination of basic academic skills, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, and self- management skills, including competencies in utilizing resources, using information, working with others, understanding systems, and obtaining skills necessary for successful transition into and completion of postsecondary education or training, or employment.” Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
What are workforce preparation activities? 3 From WIOA Definitions: “…activities, programs, or services designed to help an individual acquire a combination of basic academic skills, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, and self- management skills, including competencies in utilizing resources, using information, working with others, understanding systems, and obtaining skills necessary for successful transition into and completion of postsecondary education or training, or employment.” Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Integrating Workforce Preparation Activities 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 2) Workforce Preparation Activities 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Integrating Workforce Preparation Activities 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 2) Workforce Preparation Activities 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Integrating Workforce Preparation Activities 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 2) Workforce Preparation Activities 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Integrating Workforce Preparation Activities 1) Contextualized AEL Concurrent and Contextual Alignment 2) Workforce Preparation Activities 3) Workforce Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Models Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Multiple Examples Occupational Skills Training (Healthcare) EL Civics- IET & general EL Civics students Co-enrolled workforce training with standard IET Occupational Skills Training (Manufacturing) Occupational Skills Training (Hospitality) Workplace AEL with an employer3 Entrepreneurship Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 1 Occupational Skills Training (Healthcare) CNA Occupational Skills Training ELA Contextualized for CNA Concurrent and Contextual Alignment ELA / Civics CNA State Exam Workforce Preparation Activities Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 1 Occupational Skills Training (Healthcare) Civics Curriculum ELA Contextualized for CNA Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Workforce Preparation Activities CNA State Exam CNA Occupational Skills Training Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 2 EL Civics- IET & general EL Civics students TEAMS Sub-Funds IET (EL Civics) AEFLA Section 231 (General EL Civics/ ELA) CNA Occupational Skills Training ELA Contextualized for CNA Sec 243 (IEL/CE) CNA State Exam Workforce Preparation Activities Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 2 EL Civics- IET & general EL Civics students TEAMS Sub-Funds IET (EL Civics) AEFLA Section 231 (General EL Civics/ ELA) Section 231 (General EL Civics/ ELA) CNA Occupational Skills Training ELA Contextualized for CNA Sec 243 (IEL/CE) CNA State Exam Workforce Preparation Activities Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 3 Co-enrolled with other CNA students Civics Curriculum ELA Contextualized for CNA Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Workforce Preparation Activities CNA State Exam CNA Occupational Skills Training Co-enrolled other CNA students (other funding) Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 4 Occupational Skills Training (Manufacturing, production worker) Skilled Assembly & Production Operations Technicians and Machinists ELA Contextualized for Production Worker Concurrent and Contextual Alignment ELA / Civics Certified Production Manager (MSSC) Workforce Preparation Activities Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 5 Occupational Skills Training (Hospitality) Food and Hospitality Program of Study ELA Contextualized for Hospitality Concurrent and Contextual Alignment ELA / Civics Food and Hospitality Institute Level 1 Cert. Workforce Preparation Activities Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 6 Workplace AEL with an employer3 Employer desired training for Construction Technologist ELA Contextualized for Construction NCCER Construction Technologist Certification Workforce Preparation Activities Civics Curriculum Concurrent and Contextual Alignment Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Sample 7 Entrepreneurship Civics Curriculum ELA Contextualized Small Business Content Alignment Workforce Preparation Activities Mechanics of Starting a Small Business How to Start Up Your Own Business SBA Loan Workshop Small Business Resources Business Plan Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
There could be many other models Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2- Models
Defining Student Success in WIOA Series Webinar 9 Integrated English Literacy Civics Education Part 2 Defining Student Success in WIOA Anson Green Director Adult Education and Literacy Texas Workforce Commission