Student Engagement TESOL Sudan Hind Elkhatim Elyas Laureate Female College of Excellence Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Classroom Management
Establishing Ground Rules Good classroom management and student engagement depend a lot on how you establish the ground rules at the beginning of a course.
Happy face Vs Sad face:-
Class Contract
Primary Class contract
University/College Class contract Class begins promptly at the beginning of the class period. You should be in your seat and ready to start participating in class at that time. Always bring the required supplies and be ready to be actively engaged in the learning process Turn your cell phone off or to vibrate before the start of class. If you bring a newspaper to class, put it away before the start of class Do not study material from other classes during this class Avoid conversations with people sitting around you. Turn in assignments on time. Earthquake, fire, flood, and catastrophic illness are the only reasonable excuses for a late submission.
Student Responsibility card
Pink Slip You’ve been pink-slipped! Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. Missing assignment----------------------------------------------------Date:---------------- I do not have my homework today because: ___ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. ___ I chose not to do my homework ___ I forgot to do my homework ___I did not have the appropriate materials at home Other (Please explain below __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (First day of school, 2012)
Praise the positive Praise the positive If you do have a difficult group it’s really important to remember to praise good work and behaviour when it occurs, rather than always highlighting the negative.
No Homework Pass There are many ways to get the students on your side and I call them the classroom helpers. One of which is the No Homework pass.
Define the objectives Define the objectives. Share the objectives with your class and make them as interesting and Creative as possible.
Two stars and a wish This is one of the techniques used to enhance student feedback.
Traffic Lights
Using positive competition Competition Music –Flight of the Bumble Bee The most healthy and beneficial competitions are: characterized by all participants feeling that they have a chance to win b) have the process and quality of work given great value and the product of the winning given a low level of importance.
Give students responsibility Assigning students classroom JOBS is a great way to build a community and to give students a sense of motivation. Cooperative Groups-
Make things fun Not all class work needs to be a game or a good time, but students need to see school as a place where they can have fun.
ICE BREAKERS Ice Breakers are teacher approved activities & games that address the Needs of the students.
Warmers and fillers These are used to review language from the previous lesson or introduce new topics Write all the words you can make from ”Constantinople” Time Fillers: These are used when you have a few spare moments at the end of the class.
Hand Signals a classroom management resource Using hand signals in the classroom will help to create a learning environment with minimal distraction and they are an essential part of the classroom MANAGEMENT system.
Hand Signals