COE Assessment The “Then” and “Now”
Pre-2000/2001 Few Data-Driven Program Assessments Performed Campus-Wide North Central Association Accreditation Review of NAU Found Student Assessment Measures Lacking Establishment of the Office of Academic Assessment Required Student Assessment Plans and Reports of every Program/Department Faculty Generated Involved Curriculum Mapping, Collecting Student Data, Revising Program Based on Data Findings
Pre-2006 State Department of Education (ADE) Reviews Necessary to grant Institutional Recommendations for Certification Required Report on Programs Every Two Years Administrator Generated Only COE Programs CACREP and NASP Accreditation Heavy Administrative Preparation “Input” Based
2006 - 2007 Beginning of NCATE Accreditation Efforts Curriculum Mapping and Assessment Plans Collecting Candidate Data and Using Data for Program Improvement Conceptualizing the “Professional Education Unit” ADE Implements New Review Process Requires Faculty Involvement, Site Visit Protocol Requires Assessment Plans and Candidate Data Began to Review (Secondary) Programs Outside COE Program Evaluation Results Varied (1 - 5 year approvals) CACREP and NASP Accreditation Processes Moving Toward “Outcomes Based” Evidence
Assessment Program Assessment is a process of self-review for improving academic quality and public accountability. It involves “telling your story”. Accreditation includes peer review in this process.
2007/2008 NCA Site Visit: October 22 - 24 NCATE: February 1 University Accredited for 10 Years NAU Assessment Progress Applauded NCATE: February 1 24 Programs Submitted “SPA” Reports 10 “Nationally Recognized” 10 “Nationally Recognized with Conditions” 4 “Further Development Required” ADE - Programs Preparing to Submit Revised Reports - Use NCATE Work/Results
2008/2009 Continue Implementing Assessment Plans Collect Candidate Data (signature assignments, graduate surveys, alumni surveys, employer surveys (coming)) Make Program/Assessment Decisions/Revisions Based on Those Data Further Develop Program e-Portfolios Formalize Evaluation of Candidate Dispositions Systematize Program Assessment Plans
March 2009 NCATE Site Visit Six NCATE Standards: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions SPA Reports, Technology, “Professional Knowledge” Non-SPA Programs: All Professional Standards Assessment System and Unit Evaluation Field Experiences and Clinical Practice Diversity Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development Unit Governance and Resources
NCATE Site Visit Faculty Involvement Staff Involvement know conceptual framework (Vision, Mission, Goals, Dispositions) and program’s assessment plan Speak to data-driven decision making Staff Involvement know conceptual framework and program’s assessment plan Candidate Involvement Speak to decisions based on their input
2009 + Continue Implementing Program Assessment Plans Continue Refining Programs Based on Data Submit Future Accreditation Reports (CACREP, 2011)