Which of these are we to follow? All? Any? Some? EXAMPLES Which of these are we to follow? All? Any? Some?
Examples - Authority Phil 3:17 ~ Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. Phil 4:9 ~ The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
Relevance Is it essential to the teaching or practice of God’s will or is it an incidental? Baptism in a river, pool, etc? Preaching in a synagogue, along the riverside, in a jail house? Christians assemble in a house, school, rented building, own building?
Relevance Is it essential to the teaching or practice of God’s will or is it an incidental? 1st day of week to “break bread”? Unleavened bread; Fruit of the Vine? Elder’s oversight of those “among you” Local church autonomy
Competence The example must be an example of what we regard it as an example of. Community of goods at all times? Foot washing? Jerusalem elders over “brethren which dwelt in Judea”? Pooling of funds through a sponsoring church?
Limited Application The application is limited to circumstances characteristic of that example. Churches (brethren) in “need”
Exclusion When there is no command, approved example, or necessary inference there is no authority and it must be excluded. (Show, Tell, Imply)
Binding? Unleavened Bread for Communion Upper Room Observance Exclusion N. Inference Example Uniformity Yes Acts 20:8; Mk. 14:15 Harmony No – Jn. 4:24 U. Application No Relevance Competence L. Application Proper
Binding? 1st Day of the Week Worship 1st Day of the Week Lord’s Supper Exclusion Example N. Inference Example N. Inference Uniformity Ac. 20:7 1 Cor. 16:2 Ac. 20:7 Harmony Heb. 10:25 1 Cor. 11:24 U. Application Jn. 4:24 Yes Relevance Competence L. Application Proper
Binding? Sponsoring Church Church Supported Recreation Exclusion No Uniformity Harmony No 1 Pet. 5:2 No Acts 20:32 U. Application Yes Relevance Competence L. Application Improper
Binding? Local church to Local church $ Benevolence Local church to Local church $ Evangelism Exclusion Example No Uniformity 1 Cor. 16:1f Acts 11:27f- Harmony Yes U. Application Relevance Competence L. Application Proper Improper