MERCHANT MARINER CREDENTIALING Captain Jeffrey P. Novotny Commanding Officer USCG National Maritime Center
2014 Year in Review Creation and initial push of Medical Certificates Implementation of the Final Rule Spring 2014 Cyclical Surge New Production Records Information Bulletins & Website updates Averaged 61, 000 for first 5 years – this year, over 80,000 credentials and 105, 000 medical certificates
Medical Certificates Until January 24, 2014, United States mariner medical certification was embedded in the Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) and separate certificates were not issued, holding an MMC evidenced that the mariner was medically qualified to work under the authority of a credential. In accordance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW), the Coast Guard promulgated the requirement for the issuance of separate medical certificates to all mariners. Changes to the CFR went into effect on March 24, 2014, to support this requirement. To date, the National Maritime Center has issued nearly 125,000 medical certificates.
February Medical Certificate Inventory
February Medical Certificate Net Processing Time (NPT) NPT: Coast Guard Time Current NPT: 10.11 NPT Goal: 20 days or less
February MMC Application Inventory
February Net Processing Time (NPT) NPT: Coast Guard Time Current NPT: 16.49 NPT Goal: 30 days or less
MERPAC Feedback Examination Illustrations Quarterly Update : December 2014, 40+ new illustrations (Engineering) Designator Examiners Info Release Guide 50+ DEs now listed on website Responses to several comments/questions provided
Transparent Communications Information bulletins Website Updates (~1,200,000 visits this year) Continued unit visits, calls & industry sessions to discuss issues, feedback & recommendations APA Convention, WorkBoat Convention, SOCP, PVA Nat’l Conference, Inland Waterways Conference, CMTS Military to Mariner Federal Roundtable RECs continue to actively engage with industry at local events
MERCHANT MARINER CREDENTIALING Captain Jeffrey P. Novotny Commanding Officer USCG National Maritime Center 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662)