Minibeasts R.E/PSED Maths Understanding the World Physical Development


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Presentation transcript:

Minibeasts R.E/PSED Maths Understanding the World Physical Development Count and record number of objects to 20 Count on or back 2 or 3 Direct comparisons. More or less. Read and recite numbers to 100 Fill in missing numbers Describe 3D shapes. Follow directions. Recognise all coins. Very simple addition and subtraction problems involving money. Days of the week. R.E/PSED They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. To talk confidently in a familiar group. To learn to be sensitive towards others ideas and feelings. To identify different feelings and emotions. To talk about how they and others show emotions. To understand their own behaviour and be aware of consequences. Understanding the World We will be learning about: Go on a minibeast hunt and learn to identify them. Identifying the different parts of minibeasts. Habitats. Lifecycles. Bees and honey. Physical Development Move safely and actively about the space. Understand how to use equipment for it's intended purpose. Play games to support our gross motor skills. Mark make to support our fine motor skills. Importance of exercise and a healthy diet.. EAD Represent our own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, dance and role-play. Experiment with colour, design, form and function. Explore a range of materials, tools and techniques. We will be creating: Papier mache minibeasts Observational drawings and watercolours. Incy Wincy spider. Literacy We will use our topic to support our learning. We will: Use ‘Talk for writing’ to recall and recite stories. Create story maps. Write our own version of a known story. Focus on accurate use of full stops and capital letters. Label diagrams. Identify rhyme and continue a rhyming couplet. Minibeasts