Bridging the South Canadian Federal Programs Better Oklahoma’s Transportation Infrastructure Jen Jones, Architectural Historian, ODOT Cultural Resources Program
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016
Crossing the South Canadian Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Crossing the South Canadian [Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0457], Photograph, 1938; ( : accessed May 23, 2016), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016
Private Toll Bridges Become Big Business Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Private Toll Bridges Become Big Business
Early Attempts at Bridges Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Early Attempts at Bridges Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016
Garee Suspension Bridge--Noble Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Garee Suspension Bridge--Noble Designed by C. E. Garee Self-taught Engineer Company Capitalized at $7,000 Central Span of 265 ft Two 400 ft Approach Spans Mules Drove Piles to Rock 2-22 ft Towers, 1 Rock, 1 Cement 9-10 hr shifts for $1/day Over a year Opened August 1898 Served for 5 years
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Billy Hocker Bridge Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0459], Photograph, 1938; ( : accessed October 09, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.-
Billy Hocker Bridge Originally Applied January 1, 1892 Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Billy Hocker Bridge Originally Applied January 1, 1892 Construction Began July 10, 1899—Finished Sept. 29, 1899 Ambitious Plan 8 in Steel, Concrete-filled, Capped Piers Wood Stringers & Deck 2 ft Thick Deck 9 ft Above High Water 4-8 hr Shifts—Electric Lights at Night 60 Teams Crossed Oct. 11, 1889 Toll Booth w/ Phone Each End 2 Day Collectors, 1 Night Tolls: Foot 5 cents Man on Horse 10 cents 1 Horse Vehicle 20 cents 2 Horse Vehicle 25 cents 4 Horse Vehicle 35 cents Bicycles 25 cents Livestock 5 cents each way Public Conveyance $1 month Passenger 5 cents each way
Floods Take Their Toll October 4, 1904 Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Floods Take Their Toll October 4, 1904
Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge
Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge -[Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0450], Photograph, 1938; ( : accessed October 09, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge Built by Central States Bridge Company of Kansas City, Mo $65,000 Total Cost $40,000 Raised by Dorset Carter through Sale of Bonds & Tickets Begun in Early July-- Completed Dec. 11, 1911 16 ft Wide, 20-150 ft Spans, 1-70 ft Span, & 1-20 ft Span for Total Length of Over 3,400 ft Parade, Bridge Queen & Court, Free BBQ, Judge Hocker [Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0453], Photograph, n.d.; ( : accessed October 09, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Lexington-Purcell Toll Bridge 1918 Tolls (Round Trip) 1 Horse Vehicle/2 Riders 20 cents Each Extra Person 5 cents Vehicle, Team, 2 riders < 1 ton 25 cents Each additional 500 lbs 5 cents Horse & Rider 10 cents Footman 5 cents Extra Stock, Per Head 5 cents Bicycle 10 cents Motorcycle 25 cents Automobile & Driver 25 cents Common Carrier $180/yr 1921 Tolls (One Way) Automobile & Riders 1 dollar Truck (1 ton or less) 1 dollar Truck (> 1 ton) 2 dollars Each Attached Trailer 1 dollar 2 Horse Vehicle & Riders 1 dollar 1 Horse Vehicle & Riders 75 cents Horse & Rider 10 cents Footman 5 cents Bicycle 10 cents Motorcycle 25 cents Stock Animals, Per Head 5 cents
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Toll vs Free
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Norman Bridge Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0490], Photograph, n.d.; ( : accessed October 02, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Norman Bridge Opens to Huge Fanfare Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Norman Bridge Opens to Huge Fanfare
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Norman Bridge Built by Kansas City Bridge Company $36,000-$38,000 Total Cost Begun Dec. 1912--Finished Sept.--Oct.1913 8-159 ft Through Spans 2,200 ft in Length, 16 ft Wide 2½” White Oak Deck 15 ft Above Normal Water Line Piers 42” Steel, Concrete-filled Tubing with Solid Sheet of Metal from Top to Normal Waterline
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Federal Aid Road Act 1916 Provided $75 million 50%-50% Match Up to 6% of Total Roads Limit of $10,000/mile 5 Year Period Focused First on Post Roads & Military Defense Roads Managed by Bureau of Public Roads & Secretary of Agriculture Followed by Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 From 1917-1941, 261,000 miles Built at Cost of $5.31 billion with $3.17 billion from Federal Government & $2.14 billion from States Became Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1967
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Newcastle Bridge
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Newcastle Bridge King, Cliff. [Photograph 2012.201.B0107.0019], Photograph, August 18, 1961; ( : accessed October 09, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Newcastle Bridge Canadian Valley Bridge & Construction Company Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Newcastle Bridge Canadian Valley Bridge & Construction Company Originally Intended to Be 18 Span Concrete Arch Olson & Magee of Kansas City Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Company, Leavenworth, KS $412,036.36—Final Cost ($162.163.73) 10-210 ft Spans 18 ft Wide 2,280 ft—Total Length
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Death of a Bridge
Changing Transportation Needs Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Changing Transportation Needs
The New Deal & Oklahoma Roads Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 The New Deal & Oklahoma Roads Federal Emergency Relief Administration Civil Works Administration National Recovery Work Relief Works Progress Administration
Political Games for Personal Gain Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Political Games for Personal Gain Speaker of the House of Representatives of Oklahoma Purcell Businessman
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 Proposed Alignments Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0464], Photograph, 1936; ( : accessed May 23, 2016), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
New Lexington-Purcell Alignment Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 New Lexington-Purcell Alignment -[Photograph 2012.201.B0106.0469], Photograph, n.d.; ( : accessed October 09, 2015), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 James Nance Bridge Photograph, 1938; ( : accessed May 23, 2016), Oklahoma Historical Society, The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
James Nance Bridge Today Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 James Nance Bridge Today
James Nance Bridge Begun July 1, 1937—Finished Aug. 11, 1938 Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016 James Nance Bridge Begun July 1, 1937—Finished Aug. 11, 1938 Guy H. James Construction Company Over $600,000 Total Cost 33-100 ft Spans, 1-210 ft Span, 2-50 ft Approaches Total Length—3.642 ft 33 Spans 10 ft Tall--1 Span 20 ft Tall Manganese Steel $360,000 Federal Aid, $240,000 State, $100,000 WPA--$300,000 More than Needed
Bridging the South Canadian June 2, 2016