UGANDA WASH UPDATE 2017 by Grace K. OVERVIEW 1. Development WASH 2. Urban WASH 3. Emergency WASH 4. Proposed Actions
DEVELOPMENT WASH Projects : IFRC & Land Rover UK - Integrated Wash – 2 Districts Mid western Uganda - 220,000 Beneficiaries GRC Integrated Livelihood projects - Food security and WASH project in Karamoja region - WASH project in Teso region (Soroti) - South Sudanese refugee recovery project (Adjumani) BRC Watsan Kween - Integrated Wash & catchment conservation 1 District in Eastern Uganda 48,000 Beneficiaries
URBAN WASH Partnership : Uganda RC, Danish RC, EnviClean, Kasese Municipality, Local community Services Sanitary shop (WCs, Bath facilities, Sanitary Items) Clinical : Antenatal and Immunisation Services. Water Kiosk Hygiene Promotion – (community – PHAST & Schools - PHASE) Operational Issues Operational Costs higher than total income (UGX 1.5 million against 0.95 million) Low uptake of service. Operational time. Limitations to diversify products in OSS Learning and replication.
EMERGENCY WASH - Cholera Out breaks – covered 19 districts – UNICEF. - Typhoid Out break – Covered 2 districts – UNICEF - Floods – 4 Districts – UNICEF - Civil unrest (IDPs) – 32,000 People – GoU & UNICEF, MSF. - Population Movement – SSRO in West Nile region Bidibidi Settlement – 272,206 P’ple Rhino Camp – 86,770 P’ple Palorinya – 130,000 P’ple Invepi – 38,000 P’ple
South Sudan influx trend Trend in 2016 Trend 15 January 2017 - 15 February 2017yes 1st Feb 6,765 38,720 Average per Month Daily average arrivals 2,906 ind. 65% Children below < 18 45% Male 85% Women and Children 55% Female Source : Office of the Prime Minister, Refugee Department and UNHCR Field Offices Figures since July based on manual registration and headcounts. Confirmed figure will be available after bio-metric registration 3% Elderly
SERVICES Reception Management and Protection: - Currently supported by UNHCR - Services offered at Bidibidi, Imvepi and Rhino camp MSM 20 (Imvepi): - Supported by British Red Cross - Located at new camp of Imvepi - Constructing communal Latrines - Conducting Hygiene Promotion - Supporting construction of transitional latrines (HH) - Deployed with 5 delegates
SERVICES Obongi Production site: - Located along River Nile - Supported by UNHCR - Current production of 1200 M3 /day - Water trucked to Palorinya and Bidibidi Zone 5 Kochi Artesian Well: - Supported by IFRC Appeal - Current production of 750 m3 /day - Water trucked to Bidibidi Zone 1, 2, 3 and boarder post -
SERVICES Enyau Water Production site: - Located along River Enyau - Currently supported by UNHCR - Current production of 850 M3 /day - Water trucked to Imvepi and Rhino camp - Operated by 12 volunteers Module 40 (Kamukamu): - Located along River Nile - Supported by Sweedish, Austrian & German RC - Current production of 500 m3 /day - Water trucked to Rhino and Imvepi settlements - Deployed with 8 delegates & 2 RDRT members
Proposed actions (i) Longer term programming for the epidemic prone areas (ii) Support to recovery phase of the population movement (iii) Support to replenish and preposition the response units for future support (iv)
Thank you