IDeA-CTR Program & Grant Matt Rizzo, MD Program Director/Principal investigator Howard Fox, MD, PhD Co-Director/Co-Investigator Paul Estabrooks, MD Karla Klaus, BS Administrator
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Goals Vision: To transform and advance CTR GOAL 1 Infrastructure, services, resources, community GOAL 2 Key component areas GOAL 3 Partnerships across regional IDeA states GOAL 4 Health metrics to evaluate impact
IDeA-CTR Program Grant Awarded to UNMC September 1, 2016 5-year project (renewable) $4 million per year 4 states 9 institutions 7 key components 2 major programs 100+ personnel
Similar to CTSA CTSA IDeA-CTR VS. Clinical and Translational Science Award NIH / NCATS SINGLE institution Open to ALL states Institutional Development Award Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research NIH / NIGMS MULTI-institution Open to SELECT states CTSA Agency = NCATS (National Center for Advancing Translational Science) IDeA Agency = NIGMS (National Institute for General Medical Sciences)
What are IDeA states?
What are IDeA states?
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Leadership UNMC Matthew Rizzo, MD Paul Estabrooks, PhD Howard Fox, MD, PhD Mary Cramer, PhD Ted Mikuls , MD Chi Chi Zimmerman, PhD Shelley Smith, PhD Fang Yu, PhD Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, PhD Jane Meza, PhD Risto Rautiainen, PhD Denise Britigan, PhD Dave Palm, PhD Jim McClay, MD Babu Guda, PhD Ashok Mudgapalli, PhD Karla Klaus, BS UNO Jeffrey French, PhD Ann Fruhling, PhD Nick Stergiou, PhD UNK Kimberly Carlson, PhD UNL Melanie Simpson, PhD Boys Town Walt Jesteadt PhD Ryan McCreery, PhD USD Robin Miskimins, PhD UND Jonathan Geiger, PhD NDSU Mark McCourt, PhD
What does CTR stand for? Clinical and Translational Research Translation to Humans T2 Translation to Patients T3 Translation to Practice T4 Translation to Population Health EXAMPLES Pre-clinical and animal studies Proof of Concept (POC) Early stage clinical trials EXAMPLES Later phase clinical trials EXAMPLES Health services research (HSR) Dissemination and implementation Studies in real world settings EXAMPLES Interventions and improve population health Social determinants of health BENCH BEDSIDE COMMUNITY
IDeA-CTR Program Goals Study causes of diseases that affect the medically underserved and/or are prevalent in IDeA states Develop approaches for the prevention, diagnosis & treatment of diseases to improve health/health outcomes Foster collaborations across disciplines, departments and organizations among and between IDeA states Administer clinical and translational research professional development activities
IDeA-CTR Program Objectives Support the development of infrastructure and human resources required to conduct clinical and translational research (CTR) in IDeA-eligible states Enhance the ability of IDeA institutions and investigators to develop competitive CTR programs Foster and sustain collaboration and coordination of CTR activities within/across IDeA institutions /organizations
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Structure
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Programs Focus: CTR Health disparities aging Pilot Project Program (Pilot Project Core) Eligibility All faculty (not post docs) Priority is new collaborations CTR project Support $50,000/year research funding Research resources Educational opportunities Mock review session Scholar Program (Professional Development Core) Eligibility Early career faculty Not yet R01-funded Not on a K or COBRE grant Likely to be independent R01- funded investigator in 3-5 years Support Up to .50 FTE salary support/year $50,000/year research funding Research resources Significant mentoring Educational requirements Mock review session
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Program Resources Access to unique facilities and equipment at an institutional rate UNMC Clinical Research Center UNO Biomechanics Facility Boys Town Neuroimaging Center UNMC Mind & Brain Health Labs CON Telehealth equipment? UNL Innovation Campus clinical research facility? UNMC Magneto-encephalography Unit? Others? Possible assistance based on scientific review, availability, and feasibility UNMC biostatistical support UNMC biomedical informatics support Regulatory review board
IDeA Programs IDeA CTR INBRE ECHO COBRE ** NEW ** Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence IDeA Network of Biomedical Excellence Institutional Development Award Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research IDeA CTR INBRE ECHO COBRE ** NEW **
Great Plains IDeA-CTR Impact
More Information Web: Coming soon! Email: Phone: 402.559.8446