What is & Why Missions?
What is missions? Missions is simply “taking the message of God to the world.” Jonah took God’s message to Nineveh. Philip took God’s message to Samaria and foreigners. Paul and Barnabas took God’s message all over.
Why missions? God loves people. Jesus sent us. Jesus commands to go.
What does that mean to me? I need to memorize Acts 1:8
Missions is taking the message of God to the world. I need to take God’s message to my family. I need to take God’s message to my neighborhood. I need to take God’s message to my coworkers.
Missions is taking the message of God to the world. I need to take God’s message to Reed City, Hersey, Chase, Big Rapids, Evart... I need to take God’s message to _____________________.
We must do missions! God loves the whole world! We are sent to do God’s work, just as Jesus was sent by the Father. We are commanded to make disciples.
Where will you go?