What is Geography About? Today’s Learning Objectives By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to: Define what geography is (NC level 4); Know & identify the 3 different types of geography (NC levels 3 & 4).
To Start – key words… nature environment places humans travelling What do you already know about geography? How could you describe what geography is about in just one sentence? Speak to your partner for 90 seconds about how you would write a sentence giving the meaning of geography. Think about these key words: nature environment places humans travelling Physical features
Task… ‘Geography means….’ ‘The word geography describes….’ Use your keywords to write a definition (an explanation) of what the word geography means. You may wish to start your sentence in one of these ways: ‘Geography means….’ ‘The word geography describes….’ ‘A definition of geography would be…’ ‘The term geography describes the study of…’
Geography... There are 3 types... Physical Environmental Human
Geography: A Definition: ‘The word geography can be described as - The study of the earth’s natural physical features their interactions with humans and how humans affect their surrounding environment’. Why are some key words highlighted?
Complete these statements… Physical geography is about… Human geography is about… Environmental geography is about…