October Reminders Peek at the Week Week of the 2nd Theme – D is for Dinosaurs Monday…….….Science (pm) Tuesday…….….Swimming (pm) Wednesday.….Cooking/Music (pm) Thursday……...Library (pm) Friday……….…..Art (pm) Reminders October 6th Field Trip to the Dinosaur Museum October 21 – Maintenance Day October 26-27 No School October 30th – Halloween Carnival 6-7 (We need volunteers to run carnival booths – please contact Shelly or I if you are interested) December 12th Peppermint Parade 6pm Parent teacher conferences times will be posted on more my board within the week. If a time doesn’t work, let me know. Axel Springsteen was the Ranger of the Week. He enjoys the outdoors and hiding and eating containers of frosting Peek at the Week Kids had a nice visit from Game Warden Rick King, aka Ranger Rick. He showed the kids various skulls. He had the kids be wildlife detectives to try and guess what Wyoming animal they were. We had many guesses that were dinosaurs, lol. Huge shout out to Laramie Fire Department officers. They gave the kids a great tour and we even were able to celebrate Camden’s Birthday at the fire station. The upcoming week we will learn about dinosaurs. We are taking a field trip to the dinosaur museum on Friday at 10:00. Thank you to Amelia, William, Camden, and Grace for bringing snacks. Contact info…. Phone: 307-745-7256 prek2class@laramieopenschool.org ©The Little Ladybug Shop