October Reminders Peek at the Week Week of the 9Th Theme – E is for Eggs Monday…….….Movement (pm) Tuesday…….….Swimming (pm) Wednesday.….Cooking/Music (pm) Thursday……...Library (pm) Friday……….…..Art Museum (pm) Reminders October 21 – Maintenance Day 9:00am - ? October 26-27 No School (PT Conferences) October 30th – Halloween Carnival 6-7 (We need volunteers to run carnival booths – please contact Shelly or I if you are interested) October 31st Class Party December 12th Peppermint Parade 6pm Developmental screenings will be October 11th and 12th – Don’t forget to turn in paperwork to Shelly. Parent teacher conferences times will be posted on more my board within the week. If a time doesn’t work, let me know. Ava was the ranger of the week. She loves unicorns and puffins. We loved hearing about her trip to Iceland. Peek at the Week The kids had fun with our dinosaur week. The museum was the highlight of the week. I especially liked the reality sandbox. If you haven’t seen it, you need to check it out! I’m trying to figure out how to get one in my class;). Next week we are going have someone from the University come speak to us about their raccoon project. It has nothing to do with our weekly theme of eggs, but does with our overall theme of Ranger Rick. Thought it would be cool to hear all about their research. She will be coming on Friday at 9:00. Thank you to Brody, Kateri, Liam, and Malea for bringing snacks. Contact info…. Phone: 307-745-7256 prek2class@laramieopenschool.org ©The Little Ladybug Shop