2nd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers Brussels 14th – 15th June 2016 Slide 1 of 6 2nd Summit of OCT Energy Ministers Brussels 14th – 15th June 2016 Energy Efficiency & Infrastructure in the Falkland Islands Presented by Mr Andrew Crighton Hello and welcome I have been asked to speak on the topic of Energy Efficiency and infrastructure in the Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands Government, The Islands Plan 2014 - 2018 Slide 2 of 6 Falkland Islands Government, The Islands Plan 2014 - 2018 Energy Strategy - Adopted November 2015 Energy Roadmap Falkland Islands Development Plan 2015 - 2030 Structure Plan National Infrastructure Plan 2015 -2030 Building Regulations Waste Management Strategy & Action Plan British Government, Paris Agreement Kyoto Agreement International, OCTA IRENA First I would like to talk about energy efficiency and infrastructure through policies Sustainable energy, energy efficiency and infrastructure are an action point in The Islands Plan 2014 – 2018, this action point means that all departments of the government are working on these issue. With a high level Energy Strategy adopted in November 2015, in the strategy the government recognises that a reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply is essential for maintaining and improving the quality of life within the islands. Since the adoption of the strategy work has begun on an Energy Roadmap. Other policies adopted by the Falkland Islands Government in 2015 that deal with Sustainable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Infrastructure are, The Falkland Islands Development Plan 2015 – 2030, this plan provides a framework for future spatial development of the islands. The Structure Plan, this plan provides the overall strategic approach and identifies the key characteristics of the Falkland Islands that will lead to economic, social and environmental development. The National Infrastructure Plan 2015 – 2030, this is a strategic plan establishing policy and objectives for infrastructure, this plan has 4 themes, Transport and communication Enabling development Built environment Health, well being and lifelong learning And provides a structured approach to prioritising future investment decisions. Work has also begun on updating the building regulations with the aim to make buildings safer and have a better thermal efficiency and on a waste management strategy and action plan that is looking into waste to energy technology. We have continued to work with the British government about the involvement of the Falkland Islands on the Paris Agreement and have agreed to work with the British government on Kyoto phase having previously work with them on the original Kyoto agreement. FIG have worked with international associations and agencies, with OCTA as a member of the renewable energy working group we have assisted on the Sustainable Energy Roadmap (that was the bases of our energy strategy) and the EU-OCTA joint energy declaration, we have engage with IRENA with there SIDA (Small Islands Developing States) lighthousing initiative. Policy
Impartial partial advice Financial Assistance to Businesses, Slide 3 of 6 Advice, Impartial partial advice Financial Assistance to Businesses, Energy Loans Rural Business Grants Financial Assistance to Domestic Property Owners, Energy Grants Energy Efficiency and Infrastructure through advice and financial assistance. 1. There has been an Energy Advisor employed for over a year to offer impartial partial advice to both businesses and private individuals right across the Falkland Islands, Meeting with over 120 businesses and individuals in the past 12 months. 2. There is Financial Assistance to help both business and private individuals reduce there energy demand. All of these schemes have been fully revised in that past 12 months. A Falkland Islands business can now apply for loans to installs new energy efficient technologies to generate electricity and heat, plus our rural businesses can apply for one new and one revised grant to help reduce there demand for electricity generated by burning fossil fuels or increase their energy efficiency. A private individual in the Falkland Islands can apply for 1 new and 2 revised grants to help increase the energy efficiency and reduces their properties carbon footprint. Advice, Grants and Loans
Stanley Electrical Generation, Slide 4 of 6 Stanley Electrical Generation, Ambition of 40% demand cover by Sustainable Energy by 2020 Rural Electrical Generation Energy Surveys Fox Bay Predicted 60% reduction in fossil fuel Payback within 5 years Energy Efficiency and Infrastructure through generation. Total Capacity of Electrical Generation in the Falkland Islands, 22.2 MW of total capacity 3.4MW of Sustainable energy capacity that is 15% of the total Stanley, Electrical generation 8.6MW of total generation capacity 1.98MW of Sustainable energy capacity, that is 23% of the total With the introduction of new and improving methods there is an ambition of 40% of the annual demand by 2020 will come from Sustainable energy. Currently it is around 35% of the annual demand is covered by sustainable energy. Rural generation, 1.63MW of total generation 0.4MW of Sustainable energy capacity, that is 25% of the total Rural generation in the Falkland Islands is from off-grid systems in each settlement and the percentage of the demand met by sustainable energy varieties widely. Work has with the rural community with energy surveys to see if there system can run more efficiently or replaced with a system that can run more efficiently, for example, A energy survey was carried out at Fox Bay Village on West Falkland December 2015 – February 2016, currently 200kW diesel power generation, running 24/7. After the energy survey was complete the outcome indicted that a new Renewable Diesel hybrid system could be installed that would saving an estimated 60% of the diesel fuel and would have a payback in 5 years, (10kW Solar, 5000Amp/hour battery, inverters, around £80,000. 5 years of diesel fuel savings would be £76,000) Generation
Rural Development Strategy Energy Partnership Scheme 6 Pilot Projects Slide 5 of 6 Best Practice Guides and Energy Presentations Climate Change Quarter March to June 2016 Rural Development Strategy Energy Partnership Scheme 6 Pilot Projects Energy efficiency and infrastructure through promotion. The production of best practice guides and regular energy presentations are available to business owners and private individuals. We are currently in Climate Change Quarter. Chairperson of the Assembly the Honorable Michael Poole MLA for this quarter adopted the theme of climate change for his quarter as chair. This has meant that both the government and private sector have been putting on events that demonstrate how we can try to reduce the effect of climate change. There has been a big effort to include children in all events. These events are, walk to work/school week, Energy Days, beach cleans, Trash ball (all outfits made from waste) and other presentation of different topics. As part of the Rural Development Strategy work has begun on 6 pilot project, these project are ether demonstrating new sustainable energy technology and how they work in the islands or how existing technology can work more efficiency. Promotion
Thank You for your Attention Slide 6 of 6 Thank You for your Attention As you have heard the government are working hard on enabling the growth of Sustainable Energy, increase both energy efficiency and the infrastructure in the Falkland Islands. The reason is that the government aim is to facilitate sustainable development and economic growth and it is felt that these areas are at the heart of this aim. Now it couldn’t be a presentation about the Falkland Islands without a picture of a penguin so here it is. Thank you for your attention.